Free Software Foundation Europe

Το Ίδρυμα Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού Ευρώπης είναι μη κερδοσκοπική οργάνωση που δίνει δύναμη στους χρήστες να ελέγχουν την τεχνολογία.

Το λογισμικό σχετίζεται βαθιά με όλες τις διαστάσεις της ζωής μας. Το Ελεύθερο Λογισμικό δίνει σε όλους το δικαίωμα να χρησιμοποιούν, κατανοούν, προσαρμόζουν και να μοιράζουν λογισμικό. Αυτά τα δικαιώματα βοηθούν στην υποστήριξη άλλων θεμελιωδών δικαιωμάτων, όπως η ελευθερία του λόγου, η ελευθερία του τύπου και η ιδιωτικότητα. Μάθετε περισσότερα...

Picture showing the main stage for the debate, showing three stands for the candidates with a presentation on the background

EU election: FSFE Netherlands Coordinator joins Amsterdam's Digital City Debate


EU elections debate: FSFE Netherlands coordinator adds voice for Free Software to Amsterdam's digital city debate. Now it's your chance to highlight the importance of Free Software in the lead-up to the upcoming European Elections next week.  

Illustration from the Ada and Zangemann book showing children and adults demonstrating

Ada goes to the set: let’s make an animated movie

What do a Prime Minister, an MIT professor, and a child from Rajasthan have in common? They, along with other public figures and thousands of children, love the illustrated book 'Ada & Zangemann: A Tale of Software, Skateboards, and Raspberry Ice Cream'. Ada has already made it into homes and libraries around the world, and now she needs your help to reach even more kids! Help us make a film of this story to spark more kids’ interest in coding and tinkering! 

LLW 2024 +++ YH4F interviews +++ Ada in France


May comes with legal news such as the Legal & Licensing Workshop and the Bitcoin lawsuit regarding the liability of Free Software developers. We also talked to two 2023 YH4F participants and our Danish local group sent an Open Letter to their parliament. Did you see that Ada & Zangemann won a prize and that the French ebook version is now available?  

Δείτε όλες τις εκδηλώσεις...

FSFE at T-DOSE 2024 in Geldrop, Netherlands
01 – 02 June 2024

Follow-up meeting on the Umweltfestival Berlin, Germany
03 June 2024

Ada & Zangemann reading in Offenburg, Germany
07 June 2024

Η κοινότητα μας Ανάληψη δράσης...

The "Public Money - Public Code" campaign, as well as the "REUSE Initiative" made me notice that the FSFE is an organization which supports the same ideals that I do. I want to help them do more great things, and so now I am proud FSFE supporter.

Greg Kroah-Hartman (Linux Kernel Developer)

I hope that more and more people will understand the importance of being ethical in their digital life and thus consciously use Free Software and that we will have more and more volunteers from all over Europe.

Amandine “Cryptie” (Privacy Specialist)

I support the FSFE because it's totally worth it. Its community is strong and very knowledgeable on a wide range of topics, so contributing to its mission is a good way to help the Free Software movement.

Vincent Lequertier (Researcher on artificial intelligence for medical imaging)