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Upozorenje: Ova stranica još nije prevedena. Ispod je izvorna inačica stranice. Molimo koristite ovu stranicu kako bi saznali kako možete pomoći s prijevodima i drugim stvarima.

FSFE Timeline - Working for Free Software since 2001

With the support of our volunteers, our Fellows, and our corporate donors FSFE has been promoting and defending all aspects of software freedom in Europe since 2001. Take a look at our most important achievements in different areas with our interactive timeline.

Our work can be divided in four oftenly intertwined categories, represented on the timeline below. "Internal" presents the work accomplished to have a solid structure, carrying efficently the rest of FSFE's actions. "Policy" brings together successes brought by a continuous involvement in local, national and European law making processes. "Legal" presents the achievements of the Legal team, and "Public" lists the largest steps of our general advocacy work and campaigns.

For further information about an item, please hover over it to see a longer explanation, or click it to visit a more extensive information page.

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Timeline of FSFE's successes