We need your long-term help now: please become an FSFE supporter today, so that we can continue to stand up for your and the next generations’ freedom.

Ezt az oldalt még nem fordították le. Ami az alábbiakban olvasható, az a lap eredeti változata. Ha tudni szeretné, hogyan segíthet a fordításban, itt olvashat a részletekről.

European Core Team

Hugo Roy

Hugo is a volunteer with FSFE. He works as an attorney in Paris.

“I have been working towards computing freedoms within FSFE since 2009. First as an intern when I worked with Karsten Gerloff on policy issues at the European and United Nations level.

By joining FSFE's legal task force, I contribute to bringing expertise to the free software community.

I was born in Lille in 1990 and I now live in Paris.

