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Ezt az oldalt még nem fordították le. Ami az alábbiakban olvasható, az a lap eredeti változata. Ha tudni szeretné, hogyan segíthet a fordításban, itt olvashat a részletekről.


FSFE Style Guide


Since FSFE publications and related materials are created and distributed through a variety of channels, there is a need for a central resource on style guidelines. This style guide attempts to collect at least the most important cornerstones to help you create whatever FSFE material you come up with.

FSFE Guide

FSFE Color Library

logo usag usage

Logo as design element

design element

The picture mark may be used by itself in any variation as a design element as on the back of the FSFE business card or on any other medium.

FSFE business card


FSFE Letter


All text which is not pre-printed to be set in Nimus Sans L, 100% black:


Please read: