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Call to apply for FSFE support for your local project


It is no secret that the FSFE's activities are only possible with the priceless help of our contributors and supporters around Europe. In return we support local engagement financially, with our expertise, information material and networks. To help formalize this process, we run our next call for FSFE community projects.

From international campaigns to local information booths, our successful spreading of software freedom is based on many shoulders from active members within our community. This is why ever since the FSFE e.V. has been keen on supporting initiatives and activities from local FSFE groups to single supporters. If you currently look for financial funding for your FSFE activity, we are happy to support you.

Light bulb drawn on a pinboard, representing an idea,     next to fsfe and ilovefs-logo

To participate in the call you simply fill in your contact data and your project facts (who is doing what, when and how much it potentially will cost) and you will soon receive feedback, approval or a call back on your proposal.


Deadline for this call will be 25 July 2021.

Please spread the word within your local groups or other FSFE channels you participate, to ensure everyone knows about it.