Our new hooded zippies are there - well almost, but your can pre-order them for self-pickup at 38c3 or FOSDEM '25. The pre-order will end 2024-11-11. Pre-order your zippy now!

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EU cuts funding for FS +++ Router Freedom +++ SFP


The EC is planning to cut its funding to NGI projects, while in Belgium a court has supported end-users’ Router Freedom rights. We also submitted feedback on the NIS2 implementation; learnt about Linqa, a Free Software platform developed with public money; and gathered with volunteers at the Summer Meeting. Listen to our new SFP episode.

Collage showing an image from NGI of a futuristic city, the router freedom sticker and a picture with the word cybersecurity with a locker

Quote of the Month

“We therefore call for these funds to be made available again immediately and for funding to be secured in the medium to long term. This is the only way to successfully drive the digitalisation of Europe forward."

FSFE statement about EC plans to cut NGI funding

EC cuts funding support for Free Software projects

The Next Generation Internet initiative has supported Free Software projects with funding and technical assistance since 2018. Despite its proven success, the European Commission made the decision to cut this funding in the current draft for the Horizon Europe 2025 Work Programme. This decision highlights the larger problem of the lack of motivated and sustainable public funding for Free Software projects.

We therefore call for these funds to be made available again immediately and for funding to be secured in the medium to long term. This is the only way to successfully drive the digitalisation of Europe forward.

Take action! Ask EU representatives to fund Free Software

We need sustainable, secure, and dedicated funding for NGI and Free Software solutions that help Europe to control its technology!

Help us to make our EU representatives aware of it! The budget decision is not yet official - so there is still a chance to allocate funds for NGI. It is therefore very important to contact Ursula von der Leyen (President of the EU Commission) and DG Connect to ask them to make the funds available. You can also contact your National Contact Point (NCP) and persuade them to also advocate for the NGI funds to be made available.

Another way is by supporting us with a donation so we can continue advocating for software freedom.

NIS2: Protecting the Free Software ecosystem in implementation

Together with NLnet Labs and the Open Source Security Foundation, the FSFE submitted feedback on the NIS2 Implementation Act, pointing to the need to protect the European Free Software ecosystem.

Belgian court’s decision impacts the future of Router Freedom

A Belgian court has upheld the decision of the country’s regulator to introduce Router Freedom for fiber networks. The objections, raised by a local internet service provider, were deemed unfounded. This landmark decision represents a significant victory for consumer rights, and we urge other national regulators to follow this example.

More about this

A man seated near a graphic about how the EU works projected on the wall. In the foreground the backs of people facing the speaker, also seated and with laptops on their table
During the 2024 FSFE Summer Meeting, attendees had the chance to discuss together about the current status of EU policy in regards with Free Software. Volunteers had also the chance to solve their doubts as well as provide ideas about how to take part in it.

Linqa: a Free Software bilingual collaboration platform developed with public money

Linqa is a bilingual collaboration platform whose code is Free Software and was developed using public money. It helps the daily work of the Franco-German Forum for the Future, a public institution that fosters collaboration among actors in France and Germany. We dive into the roots of Linqa with the people behind it.

SFP#25: MirageOS and OCaml with Hannes Mehnert and Matthias Kirschner

For our 25th episode of the Software Freedom Podcast we are happy to welcome Hannes Mehnert, one of the MirageOS core developers. Matthias Kirschner, president of the FSFE, and Hannes talk about MirageOS. This episode gives an overview of everything from the basics to the future of MirageOS.

FSFE Summer Meeting attendees wearing pink t-shirts in the garden of the LinuxHotel
FSFE Summer Meeting 2024! As in 2023, staff and volunteers gathered at the LinuxHotel for a weekend full of surprises, talks, and workshops, and of course a lot of fun. For the second year in a row, the FSFE organised this meeting to inform our volunteers first-hand about our activities and initiatives as well as to gather their feedback and ideas.

Join us at FrOSCon

Once again, this August we will be attending FrOSCon in Sankt Augustin. During 17 and 18 August our team and volunteers will be present with a booth and several talks.

Also, the local FSFE group in Bonn is hosting a community get-together the evening before! So even if you cannot make it to FrOSCon, join them on 16 August!

Contribute to our Newsletter

We would love to hear from you. If you have any thoughts, pictures, or news to share, please send them to us at newsletter@fsfe.org. You can also support us, contribute to our work, and join our community. We would like to thank our community and all the volunteers, supporters, and donors who make our work possible, with a special mention to our translators who make it possible for you to read this newsletter in your mother tongue.

Your editor,