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Internships and Traineeships

FSFE is a charity dedicated to empowering users to control technology. We are working to build freedom in digital society. We operate in a lively environment of numerous volunteers from many countries and several full-time employees.

Olga Gkotsopoulou

My eleven months as trainee and part of the FSFE's international team, have been full with new things to learn, great people to meet, challenges to overcome and opportunities to grasp. There was never a boring day. I was involved in high-level legal and policy work as well as community building and awareness-raising activities. I was in the core preparation team of short and long-term campaigns.

Olga Gkotsopoulou, Intern 2017

FSFE is looking for smart, motivated interns and trainees to join our team. We offer:

What you will do

Evelyn Kwarteng

Being part of the FSFE team has not only contributed to my professional development, but also to my personal development. Professionally, I have improved my research, communication, writing, planning, and digital skills through the various tasks I have completed during my internship. On a personal level, I have enjoyed working and interacting with the diverse and international nature of the staff, improving my knowledge of politics, culture, food, to name a few. I am glad that I got to share the day with such an amazing staff.

Evelyn Kwarteng, Intern 2023

Basic internship facts

We are generally open for applications throughout the year. Sometimes we offer longer internships and traineeships, and other times we seek applicants with a specific focus (for instance students for summer internships). These will be announced separately in our news and newsletter. Here are the usual specifics:

Jan Weymeirsch

With my internship at the Free Software Foundation Europe, I was given the opportunity to work together with amazing and highly motivated people. I could bring in my existing skills in a meaningful way, as well as learn a whole lot of new technical methods and ways to enthuse people. In my usual field of statistics and data analysis, Free Software and Open Data becomes increasingly important and is a key to privacy-friendly and ethical Data Science, which is why I am so delighted to be able to contribute to the work the FSFE is doing.

Jan Weymeirsch, Intern 2018

Who we're looking for

FSFE interns are a pretty diverse bunch. If you are interested in working on the frontline of technology policy and activism, then you've come to the right place. You're fired up about a free information society, and you've already done something to tell others why freedom matters? Then this internship is for you. Your academic background and qualifications matter less than your experience, your will to learn, and your ability to get things done. We expect:

Vincent Lequertier

I am passionate about Free Software and I always wanted to help with its promotion. That's why an offer to help the FSFE was a perfect fit for me. During my internship, I worked mostly on developing the FSFE's infrastructure and helped by adding documentation for specific tasks involving different services. Interns at FSFE are really useful, as they bring their experience and knowledge to the FSFE and, given the structure and openness of the organisation, are able to do meaningful work that has a real value.

Vincent Lequertier, Intern 2018

How to apply

Applications for internships are welcome any time. However, note that the available slots are limited, so please apply well in advance of your desired start date.

To apply, please send a maximum one-page cover letter and a maximum two-page CV (only PDFs are accepted) by email to interns@fsfe.org. Please do not include pictures of yourself in the application. If you have general questions about this or anything else, please contact us via our general address.

We look forward to your application!