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FSFE - Income and Expense 2002


Merchandise EUR 5,271.45
Donations [1]  
Hub [2] EUR 29,883.18
Transfers Chapter Germany [3]     EUR 6,951.20
(European Commission)
EUR 16,635.00
Total EUR 58,740.83


Personnel [4] EUR 34,500.00
Office Rent EUR 4,950.00
Representation [5] EUR 3,780.21
Travel Expenses EUR 1,701.98
EUR 1,121.60
Office Supplies EUR 371.97
Legal Expenses EUR 4,500.82
Bank Fees EUR 155.89
Total EUR 51,082.47

[1] A list of all FSFE donors that did not wish anonymity is available on the ThankGNUs list.

[2] Donations going directly to the main body of the FSFE (see "Hub"); usually (but not exclusively) from countries without established Chapter.

[3] Donations to the FSFE made through the German chapter

[4] People paid: Georg Greve

[5] T-Shirts, Pins and other goodies as well as tradeshow material and leaflets.