"DMA's interoperability is against fundamental rights" claims Apple. The FSFE disagrees. If you also think interoperability is key for software freedom, support us!

Предупредување: Оваа страница сеуште не е преведена. Она што го гледате подолу е оргиналната верзија на страницата. Ве молиме посетете ја оваа страница за да видите како можете да помогнете пред се со преводите, меѓу останатите работи.

Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

Dynamic Coalition on Access to Knowledge (A2K) and Freedom of Expression

The A2K Dynamic Coalition was launched at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Athens, Greece. The initial announcement is online here. The first discussions took place in Athens during the IGF 2006 Workshop on Access to Knowledge (A2K) and Online Freedom of Speech. FSFE is one of the initial partners of the DCOS, and FSFE president Georg Greve is part of the interim steering committee.

Additional Information