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Event Archive for 2006

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

15 December 2006

The seventh Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 15 December in Vienna. We meet around 18:00 in the Library Room at the Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, first district. The "official" agenda will start at 19:00.
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!

IRC chat about the Freedom Task Force

15 December 2006

Shane Coughlan, FTF coordinator, will be on IRC this Friday to answer questions about the Freedom Task Force, to discuss potential routes of involvement, and to chat in general about Free Software licensing in Europe. The discussion will take place on freenode in the #fsfeurope channel between 9am and 11am GMT time (10am to 12 noon CET).

Talk at "Nexell informiert", Zurich, Switzerland

04 December 2006

The president of FSFE, Georg Greve, will give a lecture titled "What is Free Software and are Free Software solutions professional enough for our daily business?" during the "Nexell informiert", in Zurich. The lecture is starting on 4 December at 17:30 at "Schweizerisches Institut für Betriebsökonomie".
"Nexell informiert" is a meeting where experts are invited to talk and spread awareness about Free Software issues, organised by the Nexell, an independent team of international and multilingual CRM professionals, there to help customers find the right technologies, platforms and solutions to meet their needs and budgets.

Third Edition of the Trophées du Libre, Soissons, France

30 November 2006

FSFE president Georg Greve will participate as member of the jury at the Third Edition of the Trophées du Libre. The ceremony will take place the 30 November 2006 at Soissons (France). Trophées du Libre is an international competition rewarding the best free software projects among 6 categories: Security, Multimedia and Games, Company management, Educational, Applications for Public infrastructures and for communities, PHP.

5th International GPLv3 Conference, Tokyo

21 – 22 November 2006

The 5th international conference on GPLv3 will be a 2-day event held in Japan on November 21st and 22nd. Organised by Free Software Initiative Japan, this event will host experts and interested parties who will make presentations and participate in discussions about Free Software's cornerstone licence. FSFE will be represented by Georg Greve (President) and Ciarán O'Riordan. The joint goals are to maximise awareness of the GPLv3 process and to give attendees the information necessary to make informed comments on the licence drafts and to help them to explain the proposed changes to others.  

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

17 November 2006

The sixth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 17 November in Vienna. We meet around 18:00 in the Lounge at the Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, first district. The "official" agenda will start at 19:00.
Some of the Fellows that have been on the first international Fellowship meeting in Bolzano will be there to report from that event. The Freedom Task Force which was presented there will also be a topic for the evening.
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!

OpenTuesday ved Digicomp, Zürich, Schweiz

07 November 2006

FSFE præsident, Georg Greve, vil holde et foredrag på tysk om "Kommercielle, praktiske og fællesskabelige aspekter ved fri software" under det kommende OpenTuesday-møde i Zürich. Foredraget begynder kl. 18.00 den 7. november.
OpenTuesday-møder er månedlige møder hvor eksperter inviteres til at tale om spredte kendskabet til problemstillinger i forbindelse med fri software.  

GPLv3, DRM, and the Linux kernel

04 November 2006

Dublin, Ireland. Ciarán O'Riordan will give a presentation on GNU GPLv3 regarding the state of the discussion and the options open on DRM and tivoisation - using the Linux kernel as an example. This presentation will be part a day-long event for the ILUG AGM.  

"LinuxWorld Expo", London, UK

25 – 26 October 2006

FSFE will be at the "LinuxWorld Expo" in London, on the 25th/26th of October. FSFE will have a booth at the event. Please come and visit us to learn more about Free Software, the work of the FSFE and the Fellowship.  

Internetdagarna, Stockholm, Sverige

24 – 25 October 2006

Ved Internetdagarna 2006 i Stockholm, Sverige, vil FSFE's vicepræsident, Jonas Öberg, deltage i en paneldiskussion om open document-formater. FSFE vil også være til stede med en stand under begivenheden.  

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

20 October 2006

The fourth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 20 October starting at 18:00 in Vienna at the Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, first district.
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!

Fellowship-møde i Düsseldorf

27 September 2006

Fellows fra Düsseldorf og omegn mødes den 27. september kl. 20.00 i Cafe "Philipp", Furstenwall 120, Düsseldorf-Bilk, Tyskland. Hvis du har i sinde at deltage, så giv besked til contact (at) fsfe.org.

aKademy 2006: KDE, patenter, GPLv3

23 – 30 September 2006

Dette års årlige KDE-konference finder sted på Trinity College Dublin i Irland. FSFE repræsenteres af Ciaran O'Riordan, der vil holde en keynote-tale om softwarepatenter kl. 13.45 søndag den 24., og vil stå for en Birds of a Feather-session om GPLv3 fra 19.00 til 20.00 tirsdag den 26. aKademy er generelt af teknisk natur.  

Workshop om IPR-softwarebeskyttelse, Helsinki, Finland

21 – 22 September 2006

Georg Greve, FSFE's præsident, vil deltage i et policy-paneldebat på workshop'en IPR-softwarebeskyttelse, for at forklare og uddybe fordele og udbytte af fri software-licensering. Paneldebatten finder sted på workshoppens anden dag, den 22. september kl. 13.00. Stedet er Hotel Linna, Helsinki.  

GPLv3 Workshop at Wizards of Operating Systems (WOS4)

15 September 2006

FSFE will organise a GPLv3 workshop at this year's Wizards of OS conference in Berlin on Friday, September 15th, from 17h00 to 19h00. Georg Greve and Ciaran O'Riordan will be joined by members of FSF Latin America, FSFE's sister organisation, to present the main changes proposed for GPLv3 and to examine to current state of the public discussion process.  

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

15 September 2006

The fourth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 15 September starting at 18:00 in Vienna at the Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, first district.
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!

Tiroler Linuxtag, Hall in Tyrol, Austria

09 September 2006

At the "Tiroler Linuxtag", the last event in the Austrian "Linuxwochen" series, both Reinhard Müller and Patrick Ohnewein hold a keynote. Reinhard Müller gives a general overview on Free Software and informs about the Fellowship, and Patrick Ohnewein speaks about CoCOS, a competence center about Free Software, and about Free Software in Southern Tyrol.
The event takes place on 9 September 2006 from 10:00 to 17:00 at the UMIT, a private university in Hall in Tyrol. Admission is free.  

"Do you know enough about GPLv3?" Copenhagen, Denmark

30 August 2006

Ciaran O'Riordan will present, and will take questions on, the main changes being made for version three of the GNU GPL. The goal of this evening is to give members of the Free Software community information to help them make constructive criticism and to suggest improvements during the remainder of the year-long public consultation process.  

Dataföreningen Region Vest, Göteborg, Sverige

29 August 2006

På et af de ordinære netværksmøder i Dataföreningen Region Vest, vil viceprædient for FSFE, Jonas Öberg, give en oversigt over GPL version 3, de foreslåede ændringer og baggrunden for dem.

4th international GPLv3 conference, Bangalore

23 – 24 August 2006

The 4th international conference for drafting version 3 of the GNU GPL will take place in Bangalore, India on August 23rd and 24th. The goals of the international conferences are to raise awareness of the proposed changes for the GNU GPL, and to explain the public consultation process so as to encourage maximal participation. The 2nd draft of GPLv3, launched on July 27th, will be discussed at this conference.  

SELF kick off meeting, the Hague, Netherlands

09 – 11 July 2006

The public kick off conference for the "Science Education and Learning in Freedom" (SELF) project, will take place in the Hague, Netherlands on the 10th of July. Georg Greve, president of FSFE, and Jonas Oberg, vice president of FSFE, will participate at the conference. Greve will be the keynote on the topic "Strategic implications of Free Software in the Netherlands and in Europe", and Oberg will lead the panel discussion about "The Open Content Revolution"  

GPLv3 and Free Software Development, GUADEC, Spain

28 June 2006

Ciaran O'Riordan will give an overview of the current proposal for how v3 of the GNU GPL will differ from v2. Topics will include a description of the year-long public consultation process and how GPLv3 will strive to preserve freedom in spite of DRM, software patents, and a complicated legal World.  

WIPO's provisoriske komité om forslag med forbindelse til en WIPO-udviklingsagenda - andet møde i Geneve, Svejts

26 – 30 June 2006

Som del af FSFE's løbende arbejde på at få reformeret det globale system til ophavsret, patenter og væremærker, vil Georg Greve, præsident for FSFE, deltage i World Intellectual Property Organizations (WIPO) andet møde i den provisoriske komité om forslag med forbindelse til en WIPO-udviklingsagenda (WIPO Development Agenda, PCDA), da han også deltog i det første møde i februar 2006. Mødet finder sted hos FN i Geneve.

Tredje internationale GPLv3-konference, Barcelona

22 – 23 June 2006

På denne internationale to-dages konference, vil ekspert i GPLv3 og fri software-licensering præsentere de foreslåede ændringer til fri softwares højrestens-licens, GNU General Public License. Eksperterne vil også besvare spørgsmål fra deltagerne og der vil blive afholdt debatter om emnet. De fælles mål er at skabe opmærksomhed om GPLv3-processen, samt give deltagerne de oplysninger, der er nødvendige for at kunne forklare de foreslåede ændringer til andre.  

Dorkbotswiss, Zürich, Schweiz

16 June 2006

Fri software møder digital livsstil: Fredag den 16. juni vil Georg Greve holde et foredrag under Dorkbot Swiss-mødet på Kunstraum Walcheturm i Zürich, Schweiz, kl. 20.00. Begivenheden vil primært fokusere på den digitale friheds sociale problemstillinger.  

Linuxwochen, Wien, Østrig

31 May – 02 June 2006

Østrigs største fri software-begivenhed finder sted fra onsdag den 31. maj 2006, kl. 10.00, til fredag den 2. juni 2006, kl. 22.00, i Urania-bygningen, Uraniastraße 1, ersten Bezirk, Wien. Der er fri adgang.
FSFE vil være til stede med en stand. På alle begivenhedens tre dage vil medlemmer af FSFE, Fellows og frivillige være på standen for at informere om FSFE's arbejde og om Fellowship'et.
Onsdag den 31. maj kl. 20.00 holder Karin Kosina et foredrag om "Fri software for frie mennesker", hvorunder hun introducerer Free Software Foundation Europe.  

SANE April 2006 Conference, Delft, Holland

15 – 19 May 2006

På den femte System Administration and Network Engineering Conference i Delft, vil Georg Greve, præsident for FSFE, introducere GPL version 3, de foretagne ændringer, baggrunden for dem, og hvordan man kan deltage i processen til sikring af at GPLv3 bliver den bedste GPL, som vi i fællesskab kan skabe.  

GNU/LinuxTag 2006, Wiesbaden, Tyskland

03 – 06 May 2006

Som det er tilfældet hvert år, vil FSFE deltage i GNU/LinuxTag, der siden 1996 har været et af højdepunkterne i fri software-året. Der er deltagelse af mange frivillige og der vil være præsentationer til spredning af viden om fri software og FSFE's arbejde. Man kan møde mange af FSFE's aktivister, og kan deltage i deres foredrag om WIPO, GPLv3, DRM og andre emner.  

Education, Public Administration, and Free Software

29 April 2006

Federico Heinz will give two talks in Dublin, Ireland. One on "Free Software and Education", and one on "The Imperative for Free Software in Public Administration". This event is being organised by Ciaran O'Riordan with Irish Free Software Organisation. O'Riordan will also make a presentation about GPLv3: the process and the largest changes.  

Høring i monopolsagen mod Microsoft ved EU-domstolen i Luxembourg

24 – 28 April 2006

Storjuryen ved EU-domstolen er klar til den store høring i monopolsagen mod Microsoft. Høringen finder sted i EU-domstolens Grande Salle, fra den 24. til 28. april. Georg Greve, præsident for FSFE, Carlo Piana, FSFE's advokat på sagen, og Andrew Tridgell fra Samba-teamet vil være til stede for at forsvare retten mod Microsofts juridiske holds arbejde med endnu en gang at omgå deres forpligtelser.

Access to Knowledge Conference, Yale Law School, USA

21 – 23 April 2006

På den første internationale konference om adgang til viden (Access to Knowledge), der holdes på Yale Law School, vil Karsten Gerloff være ordstyrer i en paneldiskussion om "Licensskeletter for adgang til viden." Konferencens mål er at skabe et nyt analytisk skelet til analysering af mulige ødelæggende effekter ved offentlige politikker, der udelukkende baserer sig på ophavsret og patenter. Deltagerne vil se på alternative måder at fremelske større adgang til viden i det digitialt forbundne miljø.  

Syvende Free Software Forum, Porto Alegre, Brasilien

19 – 22 April 2006

Den syvende udgave af Free Software Forum (FISL) vil igen blive afholdt i Porto Alegre, Brasilien, og vil også være vært for den anden internationale konference om GPLv3. FSFE vil være repræsenteret under denne begivenhed af sin præsident, Georg Greve, og FSFE's Bruxelles-repræsentant, Ciaran O'Riordan. Begge vil tale ved GPLv3-begivenheden, og deltage under FISL's hovedbegivenhed: Georg Greve vil holde et af åbningsforedragene, om "Free Software - Social Movement or Technological Revolution?" ("Fri software - social bevægelse eller teknologisk revolution?") og Ciaran O'Riordan vil tale om arbejdet mod softwarepantenter. Begge vil også samarbejde med FSFE's søsterorganisation, FSF Latin America, samt mødes med det lokale fri software-fællesskab for at styrke det internationale fri software-netværk.

Softwarepatenter, ophavsret og GPLv3

07 April 2006

Ciaran O'Riordan og Gareth Bowker vil holde en tale i London om hvorfor og hvad FSFE gør for at forhindre lovmæssig overlast på softwarefrihed - overlast så som den, der forårsages ved patentering af software eller forvanskning af ophavsret. O'Riordan vil også diskutere GPLv3 og dens over et år lange offentlige høringsproces. Begge talere vil besvare spørgsmål.  

GPLv3 conference, Turin, Italy

18 March 2006

On 18th March, Richard Stallman will talk in Turin about the future of Free Software, introducing the Italian audience to the updating process of the GNU General Public License ("the GPL"), the license that protects the freedom of about 100 million software users in the world, being the most used license for Free Software.  

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

17 March 2006

The third Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 17 March starting at 18:00 in Vienna at the Cafe Panoptikum, Schultergasse 4, first district.
This time Karin Kosina and Reinhard Müller want to give an overview of the various projects FSFE is working on, and also continue the discussion about Free Software in Austrian schools. Ideas for other topics are of course welcome, too.
This invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!

FOSDEM 2006, Brussels, Belgium

25 – 26 February 2006

As every year, the Free Software Foundation Europe will participate in the FOSDEM in Brussels, a European Free Software Developer Conference. As every year, the FSFE Team will be speaking with many people from the Free Software community, inform about its work and this year even present a little surprise.  

WIPO Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a WIPO Development Agenda -- 1st Session, Geneva, Switzerland

20 – 24 February 2006

After the Inter-Sessional Inter-Governmental Meetings (IIM) on the establishment of a Development Agenda at the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Georg C. F. Greve and Karsten Gerloff of FSFE will also participate in the 2006 WIPO Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a WIPO Development Agenda (PCDA) followup.

Berlin's second Fellowship meeting, Berlin, Germany

17 February 2006

The second Fellowship meeting takes place on 27. February at 19:00 at the newthinking store, Tucholskystr. 48, Berlin. Main subject of the evening will be the promotion of Free Software in Berlin. Everybody interested in this is welcome to attend the meeting.

Free Software Foundation First International Conference on GPLv3

16 – 17 January 2006

FSF Europe, represented by Georg C. F. Greve, Ciaran O'Riordan, and Stefano Maffulli, will participate in the presentation of a first discussion draft on version 3 of the GNU General Public License at the Free Software Foundation First International Conference on GPLv3, being held at the MIT in Cambridge, USA.

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

13 January 2006

The second Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 13 January starting at 18:00 in Vienna in the Otto-Wagner Pavillion near Karlsplatz in the side room upstairs, right hand from the staircase. Like last time, Karin Kosina and Reinhard Müller will inform about FSFE's work, and we expect interesting discussions. A major discussion point this time will be "Free Software in education". This invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or Free Software.