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The future of Free Software in Turin

On March 18th, Richard Stallman will talk in Turin (Italy) over the future of Free Software, introducing the Italian audience to the updating process of the GNU General Public License (GPL), the licence that protects the freedom of about 100 million software users in the world, being the most used of the Free Software licences.

The meeting will be hosted by the Politecnico di Torino and will be open to developers, technicians, managers of the private and public sector who want to have an insight into the new GNU GPL, whether they are currently using Free Software, or they are evaluating its adoption.

The conference will be focused on the goals of the Free Software Foundation in the licence updating process, and on the rationale for the most controversial issues, such as DRM, the new patent retaliation clauses and the new compatibility provisions.

The conference will be held on March 18th from 9:30 to 13:30 at

Aula Magna 'Giovanni Agnelli' Politecnico di Torino Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24 Torino

The URI of the streaming are hosted on the pages of the Libre Streaming Project by the Politecnico di Torino.

Update: FSFE has now published a transcript of the event.

For further information, here is the FSFE press contact in Italy:

press at fsfe.org

This event is organised by Free Software Foundation Europe. Thanks to Hipatia, NetStudent and Politecnico di Torino for their support.

For further information on the GPLv3, and FSFE's work supporting the consultation process, see FSFE's GPLv3 project page.