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FSFE holds 2nd edition of Legal Education Day at the SFSCon 2022


The 2nd Legal Education Day (LED), organized by the FSFE, took place in Bolzano to help Free Software developers understand legal topics on a basic level, so that they can avoid common pitfalls, allowing their software projects to reach full potential. The LED track featured sessions on the basics of copyright law, licenses, and other legal topics.

Legal Education Day logo

We all love the four freedoms that Free Software grants to users and developers, and how they benefit the individual user as well as our digital society as a whole. In order to ensure these freedoms, users of Free Software rely on legal instruments and the judicial system to be able to enforce them when others try to take them away from us.

Understanding and complying with the legal frameworks and licensing obligations can sometimes feel daunting. Nonetheless, we firmly believe that some basic legal knowledge can help developers and their software projects comply with their legal obligations when using or reusing Free Software, and helps to build a healthy Free Software environment based on openness and community.

To help with this, the FSFE has developed the Legal Education Day (LED), aiming to spread basic legal education on the legal context of Free Software, to give developers a foundation to understand how to license a software project and what legal obligations they have to abide by.

This was also the first edition that took place in-person, as the first one, organized in 2021, had to be held online due to the COVID pandemic. Therefore, this second edition of the LED put in the same room an interesting number of free software advocates willing to discuss legal issues during several hours, at the second day of the South Tyrol Free Software Convention (SFSCon), in Bolzano, Italy. Throughout the event, concepts such as copyright, trademarks were explained, and various issues related to Free Software licensing were tackled.

Additionally, the FSFE used the opportunity to also introduce the REUSE Initiative with an interactive workshop that allowed participants to get hands-on experience in setting up an example REUSE - compliant repository.

Feedback to the event from participants was very positive, with many let the organizer know that they found the sessions informative and helpful for understanding licensing tasks they have had to work with their software projects.

But don't just take our word for it! The event was streamed live so the webcast can be found at the SFSCon's website.

Last but not least, the FSFE would like to thank, on the one hand the SFSCon organisers for their help and support in hosting a successful LED 2022, and on the other hand, to all participants and spectators at home for taking part and helping to make the event a success.

We look forward to improving the content of the LED and hope to see many of you at next year's edition!