List of pages tagged "education"
- [2025-03-17]Share “Ada & Zangemann” with your friends: spread this animated movie and gift the book!
- [2025-01-21]The FSFE launches 'Ada & Zangemann' movie in French as Open Educational Resource
- [2024-10-02]Premiere of the "Ada & Zangemann" movie on Ada Lovelace Day
- [2024-09-20]Software Freedom in Europe 2024
- [2024-08-06]EU cuts funding for FS +++ Router Freedom +++ SFP
- [2024-07-02]DMA & Apple +++ Openwashing, EU infrastucture & more
- [2024-05-15]Ada goes to the set: let’s make an animated movie
- [2024-01-22]The FSFE partners with the Edulife Foundation to introduce Italian students to Free Software
- [2023-10-25]Fediverse Symposium: Recordings are now online
- [2023-10-20]Software Freedom in Europe 2023
- [2023-07-24]YH4F: Coding is over!
- [2023-07-12]"The world after Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. A new generation of the Internet?"
- [2023-06-06]AI Act and Interoperability +++ Router Freedom Survey +++ Podcasts, YH4F & Ada
- [2023-05-03]FOSS-North & LLW+++Device Neutrality+++NGI Zero
- [2023-04-18]Lithuania: Students stop university from using only proprietary authentication
- [2022-09-28]Software Freedom in Europe 2022
- [2022-06-07]Municipalities using Free Software +++ PMPC tour in Italy
- [2022-05-20]FSFE signs Dutch manifesto calling for education improvements
- [2022-01-11]Device Neutrality becomes a reality +++ Stockholm +++ FSFE infrastructure +++ AI
- [2021-12-16]Lack of public code cost the city of Stockholm €100 million
- [2015-12-03]FSFE joins April in disagreement on Microsoft education agreement
- [2015-02-10]Position paper for the boost of Open Educational Resources on the basis of Free Software
- [2013-06-20]Open Letter to Prime Minister Erdoğan
- [2012-12-17]45 organisations join in legal complaint to Ministry of Education
- [2012-04-24]Fellowship Interview with Bernd Wurst
- [2012-04-14]Blog: FSFE participates in UK ICT curriculum consultation
- [2012-01-13]Blog: Is teaching programming political?
- [2011-11-07]Unlocking education, for growth without limits
- [2011-08-23]Fellowship Interview with Richard Shipman
- [2011-06-23]Fellowship Interview with Guido Arnold
- [2011-05-06]Please use Open Standards for your newspaper's educational resources
- [2010-09-04]FSFE Newsletter - September 2010
- [2009-09-21] Free Software hits German election campaigns
- [2009-09-09] German Election: Ask your candidate about Free Software!
- [2009-08-31]Thomas Jensch takes on coordination for FSFE's edu-team
- [2009-07-02]Fellowship Interview with Smári McCarthy
- [2009-02-13]Fellowship Interview with Colin Turner
- [2007-11-07]FSFE Newsletter
- [2023-05-26]Ada & Zangemann book reading in openSUSE 2023, Nürnberg
- [2015-11-08] Talk about "Free Software in education – A glance at Europe" at FSCONS in Gothenburg, Sweden
- [2015-05-18]Keynote "Free Software in education – A glance at Europe" at DORS/CLUC in Zagreb, Croatia
- [2012-06-27]Richard Stallman gives a talk about "Free Software and education" in Marly-le-Roi, France
- [2012-05-26]Free Your Android talk given by Torsten Grote at LinuxTag Berlin
- [2011-11-11]FSCONS, Gothenburg, Sweden
- [2010-11-17]Fellowship Jabber meeting about FSFE’s education activities
- [2010-11-06]7th Brandenburger Linux-Information day
- [2010-05-28]"Linuxwochen" in Eisenstadt, Austria
- [2010-05-12]Presentation "Free Software in schools - the views of headmasters" in Tampere, Finland
- [2010-05-06]"Linuxwochen" in Vienna, Austria
- [2010-04-27]Free Software day in Krems, Austria
- [2010-02-11]Stuttgart Fellowship meeting
- [2009-11-18]Fellowship Jabber meeting about FSFE's education activities
- [2009-04-15]Free Software day in Krems, Austria
- [2008-11-13]Fellowship meeting in Berlin
- [2008-07-16]'Licences that support freedom' speech at FKFT
- [2008-07-16]'How SELF helped building structures for freedom' speech at FKFT
- [2008-02-10]Science, Education and Learning in Freedom, Sofia (Bulgaria)
- [2007-06-07]Colloquium on Free Software and science
- [2007-01-26]SELF in Mumbai, India
- [2006-07-09]SELF kick off meeting, the Hague, Netherlands
- [2006-04-29]Education, Public Administration, and Free Software
- [2005-03-02]Free Software Workshop, Damascus, Syria