Free Software is key for fair competition. We advocate for a strict and effective enforcement of the Digital Markets Act in a developer friendly way. Help us with a donation to achieve that!

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Our associated organisations

The Free Software Foundation Europe is empowering people to control technology. That is a goal which no single organisation can achieve alone. There are many groups who work successfully on this goal. Some help individuals and organisations to understand how Free Software contributes to freedom, transparency, and self-determination. Others enhance users' rights by abolishing barriers to Free Software adoption. Or they focus on encouraging people to use and develop Free Software.

No matter what focus or legal status your group has, we believe it is important to join forces and work together to reach our common goals. With our associated organisations we want to show that we are a strong movement. We exchange ideas, coordinate efforts, motivate each other, and find opportunities to work together on specific projects.

If you decided in your group to become an associated organisation, please get in contact with us.

If you are a company and want to show your support for our goals, we recommend to become a donor of the FSFE or one of our associated organisations below.

Associação Nacional para o Software Livre (National Association for Free Software)

ANSOL is the "National Association for Free Software". It is a Portuguese non-profit association dedicated to the promotion, development, research and study of Computing Freedom and its social, political philosophical, cultural, technical and scientific implications.

Ассоциация греческих пользователей и друзей свободного программного обеспечения

Ассоциация греческих пользователей и друзей свободного программного обеспечения (называемая также «Greek Linux User Group») — это греческая неправительственная организация (общество), чьей целью является содействие GNU/Linux и свободному программному обеспечению в Греции с помощью различных мероприятий, таких, как семинары, вводные лекции в учебных заведениях, ежедневная работа GNU/Linux Labs в Греции и борьба за свободное программное обеспечение в публичном секторе Греции.

Barcelona Free Software Group

Barcelona Free Software is an organization which aims to unite the local Free Software community and spread Free Software values in Barcelona. They started in 2014 and since have met several times to discuss and celebrate different aspects of Free Culture ranging from Wikipedia and OSM to Clang. Their goal is to: Make sure the community is aware of local developments and teams; make sure there is someone to back Free Software locally by either becoming the contact or reaching to the right interlocutor if it is out of our scope; spread Free Software in Barcelona.

Fundația Ceata

Fundația Ceata — румынский фонд свободного программного обеспечения и свободной культуры, примыкающий к философии свободного программного обеспечения проекта GNU. Он размещается в Бухаресте, и у него есть также местные подразделения в уезде Клуж и в Республике Молдова. Ceata («ватага» по-румынски) образовалась в июне 2008 года как неформальная группа, которая была преобразована в фонд в феврале 2013 года. С самого своего образования Ceata активно участвовала в деятельности, связанной со свободным программным обеспечением, в организации мероприятий на тему свободы в цифровой среде, а также в развитии свободных программ и произведений свободной культуры.

Dyne is a non-profit think/do tank with more than 10 years of expertise in developing Free Software tools and narratives for community empowerment.

Фонд свободной информационной инфраструктуры

Фонд свободной информационной инфраструктуры (FFII) — это некоммерческая ассоциация, созданная в рамках законодательства Германии, которая выступает за устойчивое развитие общественных источников информации на основе авторского права, свободной конкуренции и открытых стандартов.

Föreningen fri kultur och programvara

Общество свободной культуры и программного обеспечения — шведская некоммерческая организация, служащая обществу, созданному на основе свободного обмена знаниями, идеями и культурой. Общество работает на стыке дисциплин и собирает на конференциях FSCONS знания нескольких различных групп, включая Криейтив Коммонс, Европейский фонд свободного программного обеспечения, Викимедиа, ФриБит и EFN.

Японская инициативная группа свободного программного обеспечения

Японская некоммерческая ассоциация свободного программного обеспечения.


GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance is a non-profit organization founded in 2008. 35 Universities and Research Centers are shareholders of GFOSS. GFOSS' main goal is to promote Openness through the use and the development of Open Standards and Open Technologies in Education, Public Administration and Business in Greece.

Ирландская организация свободного программного обеспечения

Ирландская организация в поддержку свободного программного обеспечения (IFSO) ставит целью не допустить внесения изменений в законодательство, которые могли бы причинить вред пользователям и разработчикам свободного программного обеспечения. Организация также активно распространяет информацию о свободном программном обеспечении среди ирландских пользователей.

KDE e.V.

KDE e.V. is the non-profit organization supporting the KDE community in creating free software. In addition to legal, financial, and organizational support KDE e.V. also provides representation and governance to the community. KDE is creating software with graphical user interfaces for end users. It is most well known for its desktop on GNU/Linux.

Open Labs

Open Labs' mission is to promote openness, freedom, transparency and decentralization by amplifying our voice as a community altogether.

Open Source Design

Open Source Design's goal is to bring more designers into open source and free software, and to connect designers with free and open source projects.

OSB Alliance - Federal Association for Digital Sovereignty e.V.

The OSB Alliance - Federal Association for Digital Sovereignty e.V. is committed to embedding into the public consciousness the important central role of Open Source Software (also called Free Software) and Open Standards in a digitally sovereign society. The association has been working since 2011 on establishing Free Software as the standard in public procurement, research, and business development, so that digital advancements benefit companies, governments, authorities and society alike.

In order to achieve these goals, membership in the OSB Alliance is open to companies, private individuals, the media, as well as political experts and contacts. The association works together with scientific institutions and user organisations and communities, and currently represents around 170 member companies, which together generate more than 1.7 billion euros annually in Germany.


OW2's mission is to promote a code base of Free Software for corporate information systems and their ecosystems. They are proud of their European DNA, they are EU-driven (i.e. motivated by EU interests) rather than EU-focused (i.e. attracted by EU market opportunities).

The Document Foundation

The Document Foundation is a charitable foundation that works to eliminate the digital divide in society by giving everyone access to free (as in freedom) office productivity tools free of charge, thus enabling them to participate as full citizens in the 21st century. They support the preservation of mother tongues by encouraging everybody to translate, document, support, and promote our office productivity tools into their mother tongue; and enable users to retain rights in the documents they create, by supporting open document formats and open standards.


Teckids e.V. is a non-profit youth association for Free Software in education with a focus on collaboration with children and young people. Within this framework, we oversee three projects: Hack'n'Fun, LEOPARD and schul-frei.

Fundacion Via Libre

Fundacion Via Libre — аргентинский фонд в поддержку свободного программного обеспечения.


Организация Vrijschrift проводит разъяснительную работу с населением по вопросам свободы знаний и культуры. Vrijschrift одновременно и популяризирует, и защищает свободу знаний. На международном уровне организация работает с Фондом свободной информационной инфраструктуры, Европейским фондом свободного программного обеспечения, проектом Gutenberg и многими другими организациями.

Wilhelm Tux

Wilhelm Tux — швейцарская некоммерческая организация в поддержку свободного программного обеспечения.

Wikimedia Italia

Wikimedia Italia is an association to further free culture in Italy, with a specific focus on Wikimedia projects (such as Wikipedia and its sister projects) and OpenStreetMap. Free licenses and Free Software are the foundation on which they build.