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Overcoming software obsolescence with Free Software

So-called "software obsolescence" occurs when the manufacturer of a device discontinues the support for software that is necessary to run the device properly. It becomes particularly problematic when the old version of the software is no longer supported and at the same time a supported successor version can no longer be executed on the existing hardware. In this case, the manufacturer runs consumers into the dilemma of either buying new hardware or living with outdated software and potential security problems. Software obsolescence is a major concern throughout the Android world. We show you how to overcome the problem with the help of Free Software.

An icon showing thumbs up

Hardware often remains in good condition.

There are reasons why you might want to change your device. The device might become slow or non-responsive. Or the manufacturer discontinues support for the software and operating system, which can make the device unusable and unsecure. In most of these cases, the problems are ultimately caused by software. The actual hardware still works pretty well. So why toss away your expensive hardware? Wouldn't it be much better instead to update the software and keep using your device? That is what Upcycling Android is about!

two arrows pointing at each other's end, building a circle

The software can be replaced.

Phones and operating systems can be modified. An operating system is a collection of software that enables you to use your phone and run applications on it. However, you do not need to stick to the default operating system. You can install a Free Software operating system on your phone instead.

a mobile phone showing a check-box on its screen

Your device can perform better with Free Software.

How many apps were already on your phone the first time you turned it on? How many of them are you actually using? How many of them run advertisements you are not interested in? Unwanted software and trackers often exhaust the battery and processing power of your device. Switch to Free Software and take back control of your apps. It is your device! Only install the apps you like and choose apps without ads. You will see your phone performing better than before.

Take control and make your phone yours

Phones with Free Software operating systems give you full control over your device. This way you have more control over how long to use and when to update the software on your device.

Thumbnail of a poster explaining the Upcycling Android process