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The Legal Network

Code of Conduct Procedures of the Legal Network

The aim of the Code of Conduct (the CoC) is to ensure that the platforms organized for the Legal Network by the FSFE, including the Legal Network mailing list, the Free Software Legal and Licensing Workshop (LLW), and other relevant events, are spaces for constructive and respectful discussion.

The aim of measures implemented as a result of the CoC is to assist the person involved to understand and behave in a more constructive manner in the future. Participants on the mailing list and at Legal Network events are expected to behave with courtesy and according to professional standards suitable for the widest international audience.

The Legal Network Council shall advise the Legal Coordinator and the FSFE on the course of action to be taken in cases of a breach of the CoC. Nevertheless, the final decision lies with the Legal Coordinator and the FSFE.

The Three-Strikes Rule

Each infraction will earn an individual a “strike”. When a person accrues three strikes, the Legal Coordinator will consult with the Legal Network Council on how to proceed and what action will be taken against this person.

If the infraction is sufficiently serious, the Legal Coordinator will consult with the Legal Network Council on how to proceed and what action will be taken against this person, regardless of the number of strikes the person currently has.

Public Facing Infractions without a Complaint

Procedure for infractions on the mailing list

In the event that a minor infraction occurs on the Legal Network mailing list, the Legal Coordinator and the FSFE will take the following steps:

Procedure for infractions at an event

In the event that a minor infraction occurs at the LLW or any other physical event organized for the Legal Network, the Legal Coordinator and the FSFE can take the following steps:

Infractions Involving Complaints

In the event that a complaint is received about the potential breach of the Code of Conduct, the following procedure will apply:

Receiving and Reporting the Complaint

If a complaint is made to FSFE staff, the following steps should be taken:

Preparing the Written Report

The Legal Coordinator shall prepare a written report of the incident as soon as possible after receiving a complaint, or after being made aware of a serious breach of the Code of Conduct.

In summary, the following information shall be included in the written report:

The written report shall be communicated as soon as possible to the Legal Network Council.

After a decision is made on what action should be taken, this shall be communicated to the person complained about, as well as the reporting and/or injured party, immediately.