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Event Archive for 2005

22nd Chaos Communication Congress, Berlin, Germany

27 – 30 December 2005

At the Chaos Computer Club's 22nd Chaos Communication Congress, Karsten Gerloff will give a talk on Free Software, Access to Knowledge and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO). The talk is scheduled for Dec. 30th, 14:00.  

5tas Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre, Rosario, Argentina

20 – 23 November 2005

Having been invited to the 5th Regional Free Software Days, Georg Greve will participate in this important Latin American event, which spans technical, social and cultural topics. He will also be a guest to the public part of the first general assembly of the Free Software Foundation Latin America, which is going to be held at this event.  

Preventing Software Patents: How and Why

18 November 2005

In an event organised by FSFE's associate organisation Irish Free Software Organisation, FSFE's Brussels Representative, Ciaran O'Riordan, will speak about his work to prevent software patents, and what could be the road ahead. He, and the other speakers, will also discuss similar legislation, which is getting much less attention, such as IPRED2.  

LinuxWorld Conference and Expo 2005, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

15 – 17 November 2005

From 15. to 17. November, FSFE will be at the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo 2005. FSFE will be present with a booth. Please take the opportunity to get informed about Free Software, the work of the FSFE and the Fellowship. There will also be the chance to get informed about the OpenPGP smartcard.  

UN World Summit on the Information Society, Tunis

14 – 18 November 2005

The second phase of the United Nations (UN) World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) will be held between 14th and 18th November in Tunis. Georg C. F. Greve, President of FSFE, will be working to promote digital freedom and equality in discussions and side-events with other participants from Governments, Civil Society, the Private Sector and the United Nations.  

Tweakfest 2005 in Zürich, Switzerland

09 – 10 November 2005

Georg C. F. Greve, President of FSF Europe, will be speaking at Tweakfest 2005 - Visions of Digital Life Style on Nov 10th 2005 in Zürich, a congress organised by the local Academy of Design and Art.
The topic of his talk will be "Who owns the Information Society? - Open source is not enough!"

The World Summit on the Information Society and the role of Local Authorities

09 – 11 November 2005

The World Summit on the Information Society and the role of Local Authorities is held in Bilbao, Spain between the 9th and 11th of november. Jonas Öberg will participate in the workshop on Free Software on the 10th of november at 16.45 to discuss the importance of Free Software in government administration.  

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

04 November 2005

On 4 November, starting at 18:00, a Fellowship meeting will take place in the "Käuzchen" in Vienna, Gardegasse 8. Karin Kosina and Reinhard Müller will inform about the work of the FSFE and discuss with interested people. The invitation is adressed at everybody who is interested in the FSFE, wants to get active himself or just likes Free Software and wants to get in contact with other enthusiasts, not only at those who are part of the Fellowship. If you want to join us there, please send a short mail to austria (at) lists.fsfe.org so we can reserve a big enough table.

Internetdagarna 2005

24 – 25 October 2005

The Swedish Internet infrastructure foundation is organising the conference Internetdagarna 2005 at the Clarion Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden, between the 24th and 25th of october. Several issues will be discussed during the conference, including a discussion on Sweden's IT policy and the dangers of a digital divide. FSF Europe's Jonas Öberg will participate throughout the conference  

Internet Hungary 2005

11 – 12 October 2005

Stefano Maffulli, Italian Chancellor, will be speaking at the biggest professional conference of the Hungarian Internet users. The event will see participants from the communication and financial experts, from governmental institutions, and representatives of Telkom, ISP and other service institutions. The subject of this year's conference is: what possibilities are there on the Internet for the media and communication industry, and what sort of business activities can be carried out with the help of the Internet, with special attention to those economic activities.  

WSIS, Internet Governance and Human Rights

03 October 2005

On the 3rd of October, Jonas Öberg will participate in a workshop on the World Summit of the Information Society, focused on Internet Governance and Human Rights. The workshop is organised by the Collegium for Development Studies at Uppsala University, Sweden, and will be held at the Hammarskog Conference Centre, Sweden.  

OpenOffice.org Conf 2005

30 September 2005

Stefano Maffulli, Italian Chancellor, will be speaking at the OpenOffice.org Conference 2005 in Koper - Capodistria (Slovenia). Participants are invited to register (free of charge).  

LACFREE, Recife, Brasil

27 September – 01 October 2005

FSFE's president Georg Greve has been invited to speak at the Latin American and Caribbean Conference on Development and Use of Free Software. He will talk about Free Software as a social movement and its interaction in the political field, in particular on United Nations level, such as WIPO. Georg Greve is also looking forward to a session on the Free Software Foundations with participants from FSF Latin America, FSF India and FSF Europe. During this event he will share with the audience some of the work that FSFE has done in the past years.  

Software Patents: The Road Ahead

13 August 2005

London, August 13th is the Annual General Meeting of UK-based Association For Free Software (AFFS). This year Ciaran O'Riordan will be giving a talk about what has been achieved and what we must do to prepare for the future battles over software patentability.  

What the Hack!, Liempde, Netherlands

28 – 31 July 2005

At the What the Hack! outdoor conference, Georg Greve will give a talk on FSFE's work and the Fellowship project. Karsten Gerloff will hold a lecture on WIPO and the Development Agenda.  

WIPO IIM/3, Geneva, Switzerland

20 – 22 July 2005

Following up on FSFE's activities during the first two part of WIPO's Meetings on a Development Agenda, Georg Greve and Karsten Gerloff will work to make sure the needs of Free Software are taken into account in any WIPO agreements.

IV Jornades de Programari Lliure

06 – 09 July 2005

The "Jornades des Programari Lliure" is a Free Software conference in Vilanova i la Geltrú, Catalonia. Karin Kosina will give an introduction to 3D programming with Coin3D on 7 July at 15:30 and hold a speech about making money with Free Software on 8 July at 11:30.  

GNU/Linuxtag 2005, Karlsruhe, Germany

22 – 25 June 2005

At the GNU/Linuxtag 2005, world's biggest GNU/Linux fair, FSFE will present itself with two booths, several talks and a large number of people. Please take the opportunity to get informed about FSFE and Free Software. Details about FSFE's many activities are listed on a separate page, reached via the link below.  

WIPO Intersessional Intergovernmental Meeting, Pt. 2, Geneva, Switzerland

19 – 22 June 2005

For the second part of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)'s Intersessional Intergovernmental Meeting, FSFE will again send a delegation to Geneva. In coordination with other Civil Society Actors, FSFE will work to direct WIPO's work towards increasing intellectual wealth and addressing the needs and demands of Free Software.

FSFE in Venice, round table and concert, Isola San Fruttuoso, Venezia

08 June 2005

On 8th June 2005 FSFE will be present at the round table "Art culture knowledge democracy". Italian chancellor Stefano Maffulli will be there with other participants like Brasilian Minister of Culture Gilberto Gil, Italian Creative Commons Public Lead, Juan Carlos De Martin and many more.  

World Summit Award, Vienna, Austria

02 – 03 June 2005

At the WSIS Contributory Conference in Vienna, Georg Greve will hold a speech "Free Software as intellectual wealth for the information society". The conference aims to come to a "Vienna Declaration on Creativity" which will call attention to the fact that creativity is a natural resource of the human mind.  

Freedom Party, Brussels, Belgium

02 June 2005

Staring 14h30, after a street demonstration against software patents, FSFE will be organising a Freedom Party to celebrate digital freedom as part of its Fellowship campaign. The venue hasn't been set yet, but it will be close to Square de Meeus, where the street demonstration ends. Square de Meeus is a grassy square that sits on either side of Rue de Luxembourg, half-way between the European Parliament and Trone metro station.  

Linuxwochen Wien, Vienna, Austria

24 – 27 May 2005

Karin Kosina will open the event with a keynote on May 24th, and will speak about the importance of the term "Free Software" on May 26th. Georg Greve will give a talk about Free Software in B2B and public administrations on May 25th. Both will also take part in panel discussions.  

Radio interview with Karin Kosina

20 May 2005

On Friday 20 May 2005 at 21:00 CEST, Karin Kosina talks about the FSFE and the Fellowship in Vienna's local radio station "Radio Orange". Radio Orange can be received in Vienna on FM 94.0 MHz. For the rest of the world, a live stream is available under http://www.orange.or.at/live.

Conference on Access to Knowledge (A2K), London, UK

12 – 13 May 2005

Georg Greve will participate in a Conference on Access to Knowledge (A2K), organised by the group Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue. At the London event, consumer representatives, librarians, experts from governments, international and civil society organizations will work on proposals for an Access to Knowledge Treaty.  

World Bank procurement training, Turin, Italy

20 April 2005

At the invitation of the World Bank, Georg Greve will speak to IT and procurement professionals attending a training in procurement of information systems. He will signal the specific advantages of Free Software for development projects.

WIPO Meeting on Development Agenda

11 – 15 April 2005

From 12. April to 15. April, the FSFE will participate in the inter-sessional intergovernmental meeting of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) in Geneva. As only permanent observers were invited to participate, most Civil Society organisations will not be allowed to attend this highly critical meeting on the future agenda of WIPO. The FSFE delegation so far consists of Georg Greve, Karsten Gerloff and Volker Grassmuck. Together with other Civil Society actors, they will work to see WIPOs mission reoriented towards increasing intellectual wealth and see Free Software questions properly addressed.

Linuxforum, Copenhagen, Denmark

04 – 05 March 2005

LinuxForum 2005 will be held in Copenhagen during the weekend between the 4th and 5th of March. FSF Europe will be represented by Henrik Sandklef, together with the Danish organisation IT-Politisk Forening that is working for information freedom in Denmark.  

Conference on Free Software, Istanbul, Turkey

04 – 05 March 2005

A conference on Free Software will be held at Istanbul Bilgi University on March 4th and 5th 2005. The focus will be on the opportunities Free Software offers for the Turkish economy. On March 4th, Georg Greve will deliver a speech on commercial, practical and sociological aspects of Free Software and the GNU Project.  

Free Software Workshop, Damascus, Syria

02 – 04 March 2005

Between the 2nd and 4th of March, Karin Kosina and Jonas Öberg will give talks at the Free and Open Source Software Workshop in Damascus. Karin will talk about the economic aspects of Free Software and Jonas will talk about formal education on Free Software on a university level.  

FOSDEM 2005, Brussels, Belgium

26 – 27 February 2005

Between the 26th and 27th of February, this years installment of FOSDEM will take place in Brussels. The FSF Europe will be represented by several members and volunteers, and will also sell t-shirts and other merchandise.  

LOTS, University of Bern, Switzerland

17 – 19 February 2005

On Friday, 18th February, Georg Greve will give a talk at LOTS at the University of Bern, Switzerland. In his lecture, he will talk about the origins and the advantages of Free Software. Gratis admission for people who have registered until 31th of January, else you have to pay CHF 10.  

World Social Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil

26 – 31 January 2005

FSFE is going to participate in the World Social Forum from 26th to 31st January 2005 in Porto Alegre, Brazil. On 26th January, Georg Greve will participate at an event with the topic "Digital Revolution: Knowledge Sharing x Impresionment on Information Society". The event will take place in Room A105 from 15:30 am to 18:30 am.  

Free Software - challenges in the digital age, Dublin, Ireland

14 January 2005

On Friday, Jan 14th 2005 at 19:30, Georg Greve will hold a talk about the challenges of Free Software in the digital age and about the work of the Free Software Foundation Europe. The talk will be held in Theatre Q, Arts Block on the UCD campus on January 14th and will be open to the public.