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Event Archive for 2006

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

15 December 2006

The seventh Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 15 December in Vienna. We meet around 18:00 in the Library Room at the Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, first district. The "official" agenda will start at 19:00.
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!

IRC chat about the Freedom Task Force

15 December 2006

Shane Coughlan, FTF coordinator, will be on IRC this Friday to answer questions about the Freedom Task Force, to discuss potential routes of involvement, and to chat in general about Free Software licensing in Europe. The discussion will take place on freenode in the #fsfeurope channel between 9am and 11am GMT time (10am to 12 noon CET).

Xerrada al "Nexell informiert", Zuric, Suïssa

04 December 2006

El president de l'FSFE, Georg Greve, farà una presentació titulada "Què és el Programari Lliure i són les solucions professionals de Programari Lliure suficients per al nostre negoci diari?" durant el "Nexell informiert", a Zuric. La presentació comença el 4 de desembre a les 17:30 al "Schweizerisches Institut für Betriebsökonomie".
"Nexell informiert" és una reunió on es conviden experts per a xerrar i expandir el coneixement sobre el Programari Lliure, organitzat pel Nexell, un equip independent de professionals internacionals i multilingües del CRM, per a ajudar els clients a trobar les tecnologies, plataformes i solucions adequades per a complir les seves necessitats i pressupostos.

Third Edition of the Trophées du Libre, Soissons, France

30 November 2006

FSFE president Georg Greve will participate as member of the jury at the Third Edition of the Trophées du Libre. The ceremony will take place the 30 November 2006 at Soissons (France). Trophées du Libre is an international competition rewarding the best free software projects among 6 categories: Security, Multimedia and Games, Company management, Educational, Applications for Public infrastructures and for communities, PHP.

Trobada de l'equip espanyol de l'FSFE

25 November 2006

El dia 25 de novembre de 2006, a las 10, es celebrarà en la sala C6-E101 del Campus Nord de la UPC (Barcelona) una altra trobada del equip espanyol de l'FSFE. L'entrada es lliure i no fa falta que us inscriviu per assistir-hi. Us esperem!  

5a Conferència Internacional GPLv3, Tòquio

21 – 22 November 2006

La 5a conferència internacional sobre la GPLv3 serà un esdeveniment de dos dies al Japó el 21 i 22 de novembre. Està organitzar per la Free Software Initiative Japan i acollirà experts i parts interessades que faran presentacions i participaran en discussions sobre la principal llicència de Programari Lliure. L'FSFE estarà representada per en Georg Greve (president) i en Ciarán O'Riordán. Els objectius comuns són els de maximitzar el coneixement del procés de la GPLv3 i per a proporcionar a l'audiència la informació necessària per a fer comentaris en els esborranys de llicència i per a ajudar-los a explicar els canvis propossats a altres persones.  

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

17 November 2006

The sixth Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 17 November in Vienna. We meet around 18:00 in the Lounge at the Metalab, Rathausstraße 6, first district. The "official" agenda will start at 19:00.
Some of the Fellows that have been on the first international Fellowship meeting in Bolzano will be there to report from that event. The Freedom Task Force which was presented there will also be a topic for the evening.
As usual, this invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!

Primera reunió anual internacional de la Fellowship

11 November 2006

Els Fellows de l'FSFE es trobaran a Bolzano, a la South Tyrol Free Software Conference 2006 (SFSCon), el dissabte 11 de novembre. Comproveu l'enllaç per a informació més actualitzada. https://fsfe.org/events/first_international_annual_meeting_of_the_fellows_of_fsfe

OpenTuesday al Digicomp, Zuric, Suïssa

07 November 2006

El president de l'FSFE, Georg Greve, donarà una xerrada titulada "Kommerzielle, praktische und gesellschaftliche Aspekte Freier Software" durant la propera reunió OpenTuesday, a Zuric. La xerrada comença a les 18:00 del 7 de novembre.
Les reunions OpenTuesday són reunions mensuals on es conviden experts per a parlar i fer conèixer qüestions sobre el Programari Lliure.  

GPLv3, DRM, i el nucli Linux

04 November 2006

Dublín, Irlanda. Ciarán O'Riordán farà una presentació sobre la GPLv3 de GNU, especialment l'estat de la discussió i les opcions obertes sobre DRM i "tivoització"- usant el nucli Linux com a exemple. Aquesta presentació formarà part d'un esdeveniment d'un dia del ILUG AGM.  

"LinuxWorld Expo", Londres, Gran Bretanya

25 – 26 October 2006

L'FSFE serà present a la "LinuxWorld Expo" de Londres, els dies 25 i 26 d'octubre. L'FSFE tindrà una parada a l'esdeveniment. Si us plau, veniu i visiteu-nos per a aprendre més sobre el Programari lliure, la feina de l'FSFE i la Fellowship.  

Internetdagarna, Estocolm, Suècia

24 – 25 October 2006

Al Dia d'Internet 2006 a Estocolm, Suècia, el vicepresident de l'FSFE Jonas Öberg participarà en un panell de discussió sobre formats de document oberts. L'FSFE també serà present amb una parada durant l'esdeveniment.  

Reunió de la Fellowship a Viena

20 October 2006

La quarta reunió de la Fellowship austríaca tindrà lloc el 20 d'octubre a les 18:00 al Metalab de Viena, Rathausstraße 6, primer districte.
Com és habitual, aquesta invitació s'adreça a tothom interessat en l'FSFE o el Programari Lliure. Esperem molta assistència!

Reunió de la Fellowship a Dusseldorf

27 September 2006

Els Fellows de Dusseldorf i rodalies es troben el 27 de setembre a les 20:00 al Cafè "Philipp", Furstenwall 120, Dusseldorf-Bilk. Si us plau, informeu a kersten (a) fsfeurope.org si teniu intenció d'anar-hi.

aKademy 2006: KDE, patents, GPLv3

23 – 30 September 2006

La conferència anual del KDE d'enguany tindrà lloc al Trinity College de Dublín, Irlanda. L'FSFE estarà representada per en Ciarán O'Riordan qui donarà una pinzellada sobre les patents de programari a les 13:45 de diumenge 24, i liderarà una sessió Birds of a Feather sobre la GPLv3 de 19:00 a 20:00 de dimarts 26. L'aKademy és generalment de naturalesa tècnica.  

IPR protection of software workshop, Helsinki, Finland

21 – 22 September 2006

Georg Greve, president of FSFE, will partecipate in a policy panel, at the workshop "IPR protection of software", to explain and make clear the advantages and benefits of Free Software licensing. The panel will take place on the second day of the workshop, the 22nd of September at 13:00. The venue is the Hotel Linna, Helsinki.  

Curs sobre la GPLv3 als Mags dels Sistemes Operatius (WOS4)

15 September 2006

L'FSFE organitzarà un curs a la conferència d'aquest any de mags dels SO (Wizards of OS conference) a Berlín el divendres 15 de setembre, de 17h a 19h. Georg Greve i Ciarán O'Riordan s'uniran amb membres de l'FSF Amèrica Llatina, organització germana de l'FSFE, per tal de presentar els principals canvis proposats per a la GPLv3 i per a examinar l'estat actual del procés de discussió pública.  

Reunió de la Fellowship a Viena

15 September 2006

La quarta reunió austríaca de la Fellowship tindrà lloc el 15 de setembre, començant a les 18:00 al Metalab de Viena, Rathausstraße 6, primer districte.
Com és habitual, aquesta invitació s'adreça a tothom interessat en l'FSFE o el Programari Lliure. Esperem molta assistència!

Tiroler Linuxtag, Hall en Tirol, Àustria

09 September 2006

Al "Tiroler Linuxtag", l'últim esdeveniment de la sèrie austríaca "Linuxwochen", tant Reinhard Müller com Patrick Ohnewein hi tindran un paper important. Reinhard Müller donarà una visió general del Programari Lliure i informarà sobre la Fellowship, i Patrick Ohnewein parlarà sobre CoCOS, un centre de competència sobre el Programari Lliure, i sobre el Programari Lliure al sud del Tirol.
L'esdeveniment tindrà lloc el 9 de setembre de 2006, de 10:00 a 17:00 a la UMIT, una universitat privada de Hall en Tirol. L'entrada és lliure.  

"En sabeu prou de la GPLv3?" Copenhagen, Dinamarca

30 August 2006

Ciaran O'Riordán presentarà i respondrà preguntes sobre els principals canvis fets per a la versió tres de la GPL de GNU. L'objectiu d'aquest acte és donar informació als membres de la comunitat del Programari Lliure per tal d'ajudar-los a fer crítica constructiva i a suggerir millores durant el que queda del procés de consulta pública d'un any.  

Dataföreningen Region West, Göteborg, Sweden

29 August 2006

En una de les reunions regulars de treball en xarxa de Dataföreningen Region West, Jonas Öberg, vicepresident de l'FSFE, donarà una visió general de la GPL version 3, els canvis proposats i la racionalització d'aquests.

4a conferència internacional sobre la GPLv3 a Bangalore

23 – 24 August 2006

La 4a conferència internacional per a l'esborrany de la versió 3 de la GPL de GNU tindrà lloc a Bangalore, Índia, els dies 23 i 24 d'agost. L'FSFE estarà representada en aquest event pel seu líder del projecte GPLv3 Ciarán O'Riordan. O'Riordan també hi serà per a donar assistència a l'organització de la conferència, i per a estrènyer més els llaços d'unió amb l'organització germana de l'FSFE a l'Índia, l'FSFI.  

SELF kick off meeting, the Hague, Netherlands

09 – 11 July 2006

The public kick off conference for the "Science Education and Learning in Freedom" (SELF) project, will take place in the Hague, Netherlands on the 10th of July. Georg Greve, president of FSFE, and Jonas Oberg, vice president of FSFE, will participate at the conference. Greve will be the keynote on the topic "Strategic implications of Free Software in the Netherlands and in Europe", and Oberg will lead the panel discussion about "The Open Content Revolution"  

GPLv3 and Free Software Development, GUADEC, Spain

28 June 2006

Ciaran O'Riordan will give an overview of the current proposal for how v3 of the GNU GPL will differ from v2. Topics will include a description of the year-long public consultation process and how GPLv3 will strive to preserve freedom in spite of DRM, software patents, and a complicated legal World.  

WIPO Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a WIPO Development Agenda (PCDA) -- 2nd Session, Geneva, Switzerland

26 – 30 June 2006

As part of FSFE's ongoing work to reform the global system for copyrights, patents and trademarks, Georg Greve, president of FSFE, is going to attend the 2nd session of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a WIPO Development Agenda (PCDA), as he already participated to the 1st session on February 2006. The meeting will take place at the United Nations in Geneva.

3a Conferència Internacional GPLv3, Barcelona

22 – 23 June 2006

En aquesta conferència internacional de dos dies, els experts de la GPLv3 i les llicències de Programari Lliure presentaran els canvis proposats per a la llicència pal de paller del Programari Lliure, la Llicència Pública General de GNU. Els experts respondran preguntes dels assistents i s'organitzaran debats sobre alguns assumptes. Els objectius principals són d'incrementar el coneixement del procés de la GPLv3 i de donar als assistents la informació necessària per a explicar els canvis proposats a d'altri.  

Dorkbotswiss, Zurich, Switzerland

16 June 2006

Free Software meets digital lifestyle: on Friday 16 June, Georg Greve will speak at the Dorkbot Swiss meeting at the Kunstraum Walcheturm in Zurich, Switzerland at 20:00. The event will focus mainly on social issues of digital freedom.  

Linuxwochen, Vienna, Austria

31 May – 02 June 2006

Austria's largest Free Software event takes place from Wednesday, 31 May 2006, 10:00, to Friday, 2 June 2006, 22:00, in the Urania building, Uraniastraße 1, First District, Vienna. Admission is free.
FSFE is present with a booth. On all three days of the event, members of the FSFE, Fellows, and volunteers are available at the booth to inform about the work of the FSFE and about the Fellowship.
On Wednesday 31 May at 20:00 Karin Kosina gives a speech titled "Free Software for free people" in which she introduces the Free Software Foundation Europe.  

SANE April 2006 Conference, Delft, Netherlands.

15 – 19 May 2006

At the 5th System Administration and Network Engineering Conference in Delft, Georg Greve, president of FSFE, will give an introduction to the GPL version 3, the changes made, their reasoning and how to participate in the process to make sure GPLv3 will be the best GPL we can collectively create.  

GNU/LinuxTag 2006, Wiesbaden, Germany

03 – 06 May 2006

As every year, the FSFE will be present at the GNU/LinuxTag, one of the highlights of the Free Software year since 1996, with many volunteers and presentations to spread knowledge about Free Software and the work of FSFE. Meet many of the FSFE activists and visit their talks about WIPO, GPLv3, DRM, and other topics.  

Education, Public Administration, and Free Software

29 April 2006

Federico Heinz will give two talks in Dublin, Ireland. One on "Free Software and Education", and one on "The Imperative for Free Software in Public Administration". This event is being organised by Ciaran O'Riordan with Irish Free Software Organisation. O'Riordan will also make a presentation about GPLv3: the process and the largest changes.  

Hearing for Microsoft Antitrust case, European Court, Luxembourg

24 – 28 April 2006

The Grand Jury of the EU Court of Justice is ready for the big hearing on the Microsoft Antitrust Case. The hearing will take place in the Grande Salle of the EU Court, from the 24th until the 28th of April. Georg Greve president of FSFE, Carlo Piana FSFE's lawyer on the case and Andrew Tridgell of the Samba Team will be present at the event to defend the Court from Microsoft's legal team efforts of circumventing once again their obligations.

Access to Knowledge Conference, Yale Law School, USA

21 – 23 April 2006

At the first international conference on Access to Knowledge, held at Yale Law School, Karsten Gerloff will moderate a panel discussion on "Licensing Frameworks for Access to Knowledge". The goal of the conference is to come up with a new analytic framework for analysing the possibly distortive effects of public policies relying exclusively on copyright and patents. Participants will be looking for alternative ways to foster greater access to knowledge in the digitally connected environment.  

7th Free Software Forum, Porto Alegre, Brazil

19 – 22 April 2006

The 7th edition of the Free Software Forum (FISL) will once more take place in Porto Alegre, Brazil and also host the second international conference on GPLv3. FSFE will be represented at this event by its president, Georg Greve, and FSFE's Brussels representative, Ciaran O'Riordan. Both will speak at the GPLv3 event, and participate during the main FISL event: Georg Greve will give one of the opening talks, titled "Free Software - Social Movement or Technological Revolution?" and Ciaran O'Riordan will talk about work against software patents. Both will also work with FSFE's sister association, the FSF Latin America and meet the local Free Software community to strengthen the international Free Software network.  

Software patents, copyright, and GPLv3

07 April 2006

Ciaran O'Riordan and Gareth Bowker will speak in London on why and what FSFE does to prevent legislative harm to software freedom - harm such as that caused by patenting software or distorting copyright. O'Riordan will also discuss the GPLv3 and its year-long public consultation process. Both will take questions.  

GPLv3 conference, Turin, Italy

18 March 2006

On 18th March, Richard Stallman will talk in Turin about the future of Free Software, introducing the Italian audience to the updating process of the GNU General Public License ("the GPL"), the license that protects the freedom of about 100 million software users in the world, being the most used license for Free Software.  

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

17 March 2006

The third Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 17 March starting at 18:00 in Vienna at the Cafe Panoptikum, Schultergasse 4, first district.
This time Karin Kosina and Reinhard Müller want to give an overview of the various projects FSFE is working on, and also continue the discussion about Free Software in Austrian schools. Ideas for other topics are of course welcome, too.
This invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or Free Software. We are looking forward to many attendants!

FOSDEM 2006, Brussels, Belgium

25 – 26 February 2006

As every year, the Free Software Foundation Europe will participate in the FOSDEM in Brussels, a European Free Software Developer Conference. As every year, the FSFE Team will be speaking with many people from the Free Software community, inform about its work and this year even present a little surprise.  

WIPO Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a WIPO Development Agenda -- 1st Session, Geneva, Switzerland

20 – 24 February 2006

After the Inter-Sessional Inter-Governmental Meetings (IIM) on the establishment of a Development Agenda at the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Georg C. F. Greve and Karsten Gerloff of FSFE will also participate in the 2006 WIPO Provisional Committee on Proposals Related to a WIPO Development Agenda (PCDA) followup.

Berlin's second Fellowship meeting, Berlin, Germany

17 February 2006

The second Fellowship meeting takes place on 27. February at 19:00 at the newthinking store, Tucholskystr. 48, Berlin. Main subject of the evening will be the promotion of Free Software in Berlin. Everybody interested in this is welcome to attend the meeting.

Free Software Foundation First International Conference on GPLv3

16 – 17 January 2006

FSF Europe, represented by Georg C. F. Greve, Ciaran O'Riordan, and Stefano Maffulli, will participate in the presentation of a first discussion draft on version 3 of the GNU General Public License at the Free Software Foundation First International Conference on GPLv3, being held at the MIT in Cambridge, USA.

Fellowship meeting in Vienna

13 January 2006

The second Austrian Fellowship meeting takes place on 13 January starting at 18:00 in Vienna in the Otto-Wagner Pavillion near Karlsplatz in the side room upstairs, right hand from the staircase. Like last time, Karin Kosina and Reinhard Müller will inform about FSFE's work, and we expect interesting discussions. A major discussion point this time will be "Free Software in education". This invitation addresses to all people interested in FSFE or Free Software.