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SFP Special about GNU Health with Dr. Luis Falcón and Dr. Axel Braun


For our Software Freedom Podcast we talk with people who have inspiring ideas about software freedom. In this special episode, we talk with Dr. Luis Falcón and Dr. Axel Braun about the Free health and hospital information system GNU Health.

Unfortunately, as we had to do this podcast remotely this time, we cannot provide the same level of audio quality as you are used to in this podcast. We apologise for this and will look into better solutions for remote recordings for future episodes.

In this special episode of the Software Freedom Podcast we talk about some of the advantages of GNU Health and how as a Free health and hospital information system it can and already does help with the current Covid-19 pandemic. Our guests are Dr. Luis Falcón who is the author of GNU Health and Dr. Axel Braun who published the first live CD of GNU Health. We discover how and why Dr. Luis Falcón got the idea for the software and what are the next steps in the development of GNU Health, how it is financed and where it is already being used. Together we speak about the importance of a Free health and hospital information system and why public code is essential in the public health care sector during the Covid-19 crisis and beyond. This is the perfect episode for an overview of how important Free Software is in the current situation and especially in hospitals and the public health system.

The logo of GNU Health (GH)
GNU Health – the free health and hospital information system

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