Transcript of SFP#25: MirageOS and OCaml with Hannes Mehnert and Matthias Kirschner

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Before we start with the podcast, we would like to say thank you to all of you who support

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the FSFE's work of money.

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Working for software freedom and producing podcasts costs money.

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Please consider supporting us with our nation and the slash donate and in the

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show notes.

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Welcome to the software freedom podcast.

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This podcast is presented to you by the Free Software Foundation Europe, where a charity

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that empowers users to control technology.

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I'm Matthias Kirschner and our guest today is Hannes Mehnert.

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Hannes is a free software hacker working on various projects including Mirage OS, a

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Unicle Operating System and the co-author of the book on functional programming in JavaScript.

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Besides being a hacker, he's the co-author of another book on Injit Kucin and enjoys being

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a Verista and likes to travel and repair his recumbent bicycle.

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Hello Hannes.

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Hello Matthias.

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So you once wrote in your biography that you feel safe in a garbage collected environment.

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That directly reminded me of Ada from the book Ada and Sangaman who also lives in a

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junkyard and I can somehow think about what you might have met by that but I would like

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to ask you, where does that come from?

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Well, so I do programming since several years and it turns out that programming isn't

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really hard.

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I have to keep so many things around in my brain that I really feel much safer if I don't

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have to think about memory management.

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If just there's a algorithm that takes care of it and I know that in history there have

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been garbage collectors that were really poor in performance but nowadays it's really

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not an issue anymore.

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I can afford to pay the performance penalty of a garbage collector and just use it and

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be much faster and programming and much and do fewer mistakes, well, programming.

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So you didn't mean actually like a physical environment of where you are in which with

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garbage around you but a digital one.

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So let's get back then to how did you actually get involved in all of this and programming

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free software?

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In free software, well, I think I started with computers were attracted or I was attracted

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to computers and then I joined the case computer club and there I did a lot of not programming

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but really, yeah, exploitation of computer programs and I looked from the side of the

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security so how can you take it computer and how can you get over the security means of

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the computer and so that's why where I get fascinated by how do you actually develop software

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that is not that easy to exploit that is much nicer to do there.

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Then yeah, out of political reasons and so on, I was from the very beginning, very convinced

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that free software is what I want to do because my lifetime is also limited and I want to contribute

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something to society and I strongly believe that when I write code, I have so much fun

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that I really want others to be able to use and modify it and that's the reason why

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I do mostly open source of, I mean 99% of my time is spending on his spend on open source

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of it.

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And a large part of that is going into Mirage OS, right?

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Yes, into Mirage OS and the greater ecosystem of OCaml.

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Okay, I think we have to go back to OCaml as well later.

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Yeah, yeah.

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But first, I mean, a lot of our listeners will think, well, I mean, there's the Linux

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kernel and with new Linux, you have an operating system there, there is several BSDs.

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So why did you start a new operating system?

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So first of all, I didn't start it, but I only joined the project back then and nowadays

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I'm doing a lot of work in that, I think I'm one of the main authors nowadays.

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And why did we start it?

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Well, I think that in both Linux and BSDs and also other operating systems, you see that

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there's a lot of legacy from the 70s around.

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I mean, as in recent years, you have heard about floppy disk drivers that were broken and

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let to exploit in QMO, you have seen that there are so many layers on top of layers that

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you have millions of lines of code in the Linux kernel, also in the BSDs.

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Nobody is there to say, oh, we don't need that anymore, who needs a SCSI drivers anymore?

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Why don't they just remove it?

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And so then there was at a time, there was this whole virtualization coming up.

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So with Xen being a hypervisor and trying to run multiple operating systems at the same

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time on the same computer, which was also done by some people who then started MirageOS.

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So they already knew quite a lot of Xen and how you intake the Xen, and they then thought,

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oh, what is the minimal thing that we can put there that runs as a guest?

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So not as a hypervisor, to take care of the real devices, but something that is there

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as a guest operating system and just have virtualized interfaces like a network card, a block device,

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and then does one thing that is supposed to do.

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Okay, so maybe before we go into some of the other details, what is the main use case of Mirage

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at the moment in like, if you have some practical examples, where it is used?

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Yes, so I think there's a large variety, some websites are using it.

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Then we have a calendar server, so a cloud of server that is implemented using MirageOS,

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and running as a MirageOS communicator. We have a firewall, especially for XeoopsOS,

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which is an operating system that uses a lot of isolation.

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And we are currently working on a VPN service, so client and server.

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We have replacements for, or we will work later in this year also on a replacement for

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DNS mask, which is DNS and DHCP server. We have, there's a product that is in high assurance,

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in the high assurance sector, and is acting as a service that is just there.

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So it's all basically about network services.

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And the interesting part for me at least is to have a really small system,

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so to not have as Linux, the journal purpose system where you have user management and the file

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and the shell and all of that, but really to have something with this down to the minimal.

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You also said once that like perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add,

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but when there is nothing left to take away. So that's from my understanding also one of the

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principles for MirageOS, how do you implement that in practice?

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By removing code.

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So MirageOS is actually getting smaller and smaller over the time?

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Yes, yes, yes. So I mean, some measurements are, for example, the Firewall 4 chipset.

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We started I think with years ago, so maybe seven or eight years ago, it was maybe six megabytes

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in size, and that is a full virtual machine image. So there is a full virtual machine that you can

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run on your, than on your cube system. And these days, the same thing. So it does basically the same

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thing, and even doesn't a bit better because it has more performance. It's now only three

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points, three megabytes in size. And the question is how did we get there? Well, we look at the

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dependencies. We look at what we are actually using, and then trying to get rid of, or we try to

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limit the scope. So we ask ourselves, how do we actually need that code? What does it do in here?

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And I mean, I could imagine that this is something which is for people contributing to

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mirage as it might, I mean, from my feeling, it could be less difficult to attract people to

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write something new and to add something, than to get people to help you to reduce and maintain

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it over a longer time that it's getting like less complicated and reduce the complexity there.

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How do you attract people to this? How in general, how do you work in your community with such a

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principle? Well, we are also eager to basically have more code and more functionality inside of

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mirage, but it is the case that every now and then we think about what the mirage tool and the

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whole thing, what should it do? And what are the dependencies? And usually we attract people

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by having this very simple approach to operating system to engineering operating systems so that

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people can join or people can come around and they can understand what are the different layers

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and how does it work from we receive an network packet at some point two years how the HDP server

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handles the request and they can get and read through that entire code base within a day or two.

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So it's really attractive to have just this small or this tiny code base in comparison to

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contemporary operating systems where it takes you very several days or months in order to

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understand, read and understand the code. And that also means that if you want to debug a specific

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issue, you can do it within weekend. So I could imagine that that's also a big advantage then

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when you teach how operating systems works. Is that also something where mirage or as used sometimes

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or that people explain how operating systems work? So it's the case that some people are working

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at academia. So like at University of Cambridge where mirage was also started as part of a research

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project and they at least taught some lessons on how to use mirage as it shows some principles

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on mirage. So yes, this is a short break for our own cause. Working for software freedom and

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producing podcasts costs money. Please consider supporting us with a donation on the fsf

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slash donate and then the show notes about the principles. So I mean there's also I mentioned

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that in the introduction that mirage OS is a unique kernel operating system. And I mean back in

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the days, I also own some knu-hurt CDs and played a little bit around with that. But when we now have

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an expert here, can you explain like what is the difference between a unique kernel like mirage OS

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and like the Linux kernel, which is a monolithic kernel?

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Her approach is that we really want to have, for example, the firewall to only act as a firewall.

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So as I briefly mentioned, there's not user management involved. There's no shell access to the

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firewall because why would you need it? Firewall doesn't have a file system. It doesn't even have a

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scheduler. So it's actually a single process. So each unit can also highly tailor its system for

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the service or the thing it should do. So it's a special purpose operating system in contrast to,

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for example, Linux, which is a general purpose. So you can do everything with the Linux. You can

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start your web browser and so on. And on Mirage OS, it's basically you don't have that flexibility

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at runtime. But at compile time, you choose which parts and which libraries you actually need

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for the Unicorn. So it's a lot about, you develop a lot of libraries, which are, for example,

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security protocols, network protocols, and so on. Then the Unicorn itself is just stitching

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together the different library. And that's then also the part where with this modular approach,

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OCaml comes in which you mentioned before, right? Yes. So what is OCaml?

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OCaml is a functional programming language. So there's a lot of theory behind it,

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but it's basically functional programming that you can, that everything is a value. So you can

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program with higher order of entrance and so on. And a lot of it is also that you have a lot

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of immutable state. So you don't mutate your whatever, but you just continue to use a very pure

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approach to programming. So we will also have some, some listeners who are not programmers. And I

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also the time that I program also a long time ago. What I know that you are very, very careful

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on what languages, what programming languages you choose. How would you explain that to non-programmers,

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why this matters and why you choose this approach? So the question is what do you want to get from

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a program language? And there's on the one side, you can get a lot of

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dynamism like in JavaScript. You can just write and it works or you get a runtime in initial.

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JavaScript also you can do functional programming with. What you can do quite a lot where

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there are a lot of checks at compile time already where you verify that certain things are passed.

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So where you have so-called types, so information about the program at the compile time.

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And if you have a type system and the compiler checks that the types fit,

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then you don't run into certain issues at runtime because the compiler already

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verified or the compiler already validated that this is good to go.

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Because if you have the mathematical operation plus and you just say, oh, that is defined for

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numbers and you add two numbers to get, then that's fine. But if the compiler finds out, oh,

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here you have a string and a number. I don't know what to do with it. Then in a statically type

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language, you will get that compile time and error. And for example in JavaScript, the compiler

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is not really a compiler. So what you will get is something that the JavaScript implementation

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figured out on what to do with a string plus a number. And that is different from what it does

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when it gets a number plus a string. So I try to simplify that by like with the operating with the

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program in language you choose from your ratio as the there will be less guessing how you could

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have meant it. And it would rather say, well, no, that's the way how it is meant. And I will not

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try to guess. Thereby you will have to take more care about the state of when you program it.

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But on the other hand, there will be less security problems or other problems when the program

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actually runs. Yes. Okay. Good. Thank you. So I'm one one thing I also wanted to to understand with

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now working on on Mirage OS. I mean, a lot of free software projects, they also have this issue on

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how do you maintain and develop that sustainably? And one component and this is often how is the

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software financed? So how is that with Mirage OS? How do you find this to work on this? I mean,

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how many people in general are working on this at the moment? It's hard to tell how many people

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are actually working on that. I can tell you that I six years ago I started collecting with nowadays,

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we are three people and we work full time on Mirage OS. And we are financed on various pillars,

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one is donations so that we can accept donations. So we have we have something that we don't run

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ourselves, which is this nonprofit thingy that was run by other people and they just host us.

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So donations is something we get every now and then? Is that donations? Is that mainly

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individuals or are those more corporate donations that are? It depends. It depends.

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Then we apply for funding at the public sector. So in Germany, you have, for example,

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prototype fund where we received some money from then on the European level, you have since

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quite some years this NGI, this next generation internet initiative where we are pretty regularly

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applying for funding and also receiving funding from them. And then we also do commercial contracts.

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So sometimes some company or someone reaches out to us and asks us whether we can work for them.

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And we then basically agree on a daily rate and say, okay, well, we can work within the next

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half year, so on so many days. And we put all of that into our budget and then we take a look

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on how to do that. So obviously, commercial contracts are giving us more money.

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Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, daily rate. So sometimes it is that we do commercial project for two months

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and then the next three months we don't need to work for for money. So then we have three months

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basically of time that we can spend on maintaining. So do you also have this this issue then that

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the grants and the finances financing is mainly from the two pillars like the

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the grants and the commercial projects mainly for adding new features and less for maintenance work

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or are there also some that are actually saying like, please take time, reduce complexity, bring it

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back to your principles or how is that working?

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Usually it is about new features. But also when we work on new features, we take time on

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thinking about what do we actually need and how do we integrate it into the current ecosystem

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or into the current library system. And for example, for the VPN client, we got a grant from

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NGI, we are an Lnet and there was one of the milestones was then also performance work.

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And performance work is definitely something where we read through a lot of libraries and we also

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worked a lot of a lot on various different libraries doing basically maintenance

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because we needed to get rid of some indirections and yeah, in order to meet basically the performance

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goals. So we try to to also in these grants and so on to embed milestones like writing

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documentation and performance work and so on and also refactoring work to get to get

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yeah, to get the dots funded. For transparency reasons, the FSV is also involved in those NGI

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grants. We are part of the consortium to then provide support to those who get those grants

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in our case with legal and licensing topics when there are questions about that. But having said

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that, my impression is also that in the NGI program, it's there people understand that this is

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part of software development and a lot of other grants, it's often not something people like

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I don't pay for them to clean up their code. I want to have this feature. So I mean, that's a good

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really good part there with the with the NGI programs and to other people out there when you

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want to like to to get funding the NGI programs are definitely something to look into and see if

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you can also get funding through that. About the last pillar with this commercial

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contract, is it then something where a lot of them are also using Mirage in commercial products

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or commercial services? And that depends. So for one customer we did design and implementation

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of a broad type of this site sharing system. Other companies who reach out to us, they are more

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interested in our skills to develop OCaml code and network and security code in OCam.

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Usually it's also the case that we do it all open source. So we agree with the contractors

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that are with our contractors that we will publish the source code also on the open in the open

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source. So when you're looking into the future, what are your plans? What is your vision that you

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want to accomplish with Mirage OS? That's a great question. So I'm involved with Mirage OS since

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roughly 10 years. And back then when I started to work on that, I really wanted to get into network

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services and onion routing with Mirage OS that hasn't happened yet. But over the years, I also

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changed basically what I want to achieve. And currently my goal, my goal is really that I want to

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enable more people to run their own digital communication infrastructure. So like email,

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photo sharing, taking notes, whatever one not. And my goal there is, or the problem I see at the

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moment in the world is that a lot of the communication is centralized that very few multinational

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companies like hotlook from Microsoft, like Facebook, also with WhatsApp, and then also Google

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at Apple. And they are basically three or four or five big players who have a lot of data

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from all of the users. And similar to the FSE campaign of there's no cloud, there's only other

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people's computers. It is really my goal to make it easier to deploy and run the services on your own.

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Because also I, I, yeah, I'm involved with computer security since more than 20 years. And there I

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also figured that running your own mail server on Linux or previously machine is really complicated

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because you have to know so many things. You have to know about file systems permissions. You

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don't want to expose your private key material via some web server and so on. So it's really,

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really, really hard to get there. I mean, a lot of people have taken a lot of trainings and in doing

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that. But I think that all of that could be easier. And with Miratwares having this program,

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programming language, OK, we have a lot of safety, basically built in similar, similar language

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would be rust, but actually Miratwares predates rust a bit. So we are in Okamel. And yeah,

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I really want to get that hot off the door so that more people use it. And in, and a few years ago,

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we caught a rather large NGI grant to work on reputable binary builds. And that was a big

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achievement because previously we only had source code basically and said to the people,

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oh, compile your own Unicronon. And nowadays we have infrastructure and we actually do on a daily

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basis, compilations of Unicronons. And since each Unicronon uses a lot of libraries, like easily

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100 200 different libraries. And these libraries are developed independently. And they are pushed and

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released sometimes on weekly basis, sometimes on monthly basis. But we use this reproduce a

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building facility to build our Unicronons every day with the latest versions to see whether we

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have failures and also to see what actually affects our output. So now that you mentioned reputable

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builds, we need to quickly go into this. I think we explained it in one of the podcasts before,

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but so the idea with reproducible builds is that if you compiled a program that every time you

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compile it, that you can achieve the same binaries afterwards. So if you then publish the binaries

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that can run on on another platform, that you can say, this is actually coming from this source code

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and without any other additions from there, right? Yes. And the idea would then be for Mirage,

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I mean, what you can already do is you can run Mirage on another operating system to then provide

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like this calendar sharing with others. And the idea would then be that you add other services

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there like the thing you're working on with with websites to provide website or then with an

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email server that it's very easy for people to at home or with a small rented server without a lot

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of resources, they can run a lot of the infrastructure they need for daily life without depending on some

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large infrastructure provider or service providers. Yes. And also they can easily upgrade the

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single services very independently because this is basically just a aesthetically compiled virtual

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machine image. So you can just update it and try it out and if it doesn't work, you can just

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revert to the previous version. And I think what you what you briefly mentioned about this few resources,

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that is really the crucial bit. It is not only about security, but also about resource usage.

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So if you have a very small system, you have less attack surface, but at the same time,

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you have less code that is running, which means you actually use fewer resources.

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That's also one of the topics we also touched before about like sustainability in software

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development. And I mean, with running such a, yeah, minimalistic by design operating system,

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that also means that you need way less powerful machines to run this on. And I mean, can you,

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what hardware can you use to use Mirage on dislike with this calendar server?

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Well, obviously you're left up, but you can also do it on a Raspberry Pi. You can, I mean, even

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years ago, there was a person who ported Mirage was on an ESP32. So that's a small microcontroller

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that you can get for five years or so. And yet the variety is large. And the research user

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is really, really small. Also, that is also what the cubes community appreciates a lot about

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firewall, because it uses 10 times less memory than Linux with having the same, the same behavior

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or having the same thing that was actually doing.

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Actually, also the first time I heard about Mirage was that a cubes user told me about it and

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showed me like how cool this is that you can run this this firewall and it doesn't need a lot

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of resources, because I mean, usually when you use cubes where you have different, a lot of

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compartmentalization for your operating system, it takes a lot of resources for you. So you're

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very happy if one of those components is using less resources there. So and so by this design,

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it's also from your perspective, that's also the approach how you can achieve a decentralization

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without explosion of resources needed for this decentralization, right? Yeah.

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Okay. Then is there anything else you wanted to talk about from the technical perspectives

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with Mirage OS? I think maybe, yeah. So we talk quite a bit about cubes and Xen, and that was

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basically the initial days, but nowadays that also computers are getting a bit more modern

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and having these virtualization support in hardware and Linux having, for example, this KVM

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subsist. That is also something we support since seven or eight years. So we are not stuck with Xen

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We were using Xen in the beginning, but nowadays we moved a bit further and also support KVM

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and previously it's called VIVE and OpenBC. It's called VMM. So all these hardware features.

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So it's more like we try to be open for any operating system. And it is not a complete

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operating system. So I don't use it on my desktop, I don't use it for development, but I run it

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in order to have some network services. So I think that's something to make clear that it's not

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something you don't install Mirage OS on your mobile phone or on your laptop as the first operating

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system, but you started from within another operating system. Yes. While at the same time,

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for example, for the Raspberry Pi, we have a native port. So that means you can just run it

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directly on your Raspberry Pi. You don't have another operating system below it.

33:23.480 --> 33:30.520
Didn't know about that. Good that we clarified that. Before we go to our last question, then I have

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one other question because I wanted to know like how did you end up after you do all this

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programming and those technical things? How did you end up writing a book about Indian cuisine?

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It's actually a book about Indian cuisine and functional program. So there's a book. It's called

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Curry Book in German published by Oreli. We had, obviously, this idea that in functional programming,

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you have this mechanism called currying and curry and Indian cuisine and Indian curry that was

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just such a nice match that we had this idea to write a book about it. The Curry book

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have some recipes for Indian cuisine in there, but also teach people how to do functional

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programming in that book using JavaScript. That's okay. Now I get it. We actually did the

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analogy with recipes and programming. We also used that for a long time and I think that was

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first time I was on television at the results of us recording. I did some Pesto where I absolutely

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failed to do that and explained software while doing that. And with some of the readings,

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recently we did, we had one of our volunteers who came to those readings with an ice cream machine

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and then printed out recipes in programming, language programming style to show the children what

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is actually used to do the ice cream there. Good. Well, Hannes, I at least learned a lot during

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our conversation here again. The last question we always have is, as we are running the I love

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software day now for ages and on this day on the 14th of February, we encourage everyone to thank

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other people in our community for things they do for a software freedom. On the other hand,

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we also think about 14th of February that's one day of the year. So in this podcast, we do that

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every time. So now you have the chance to thank whoever you want for the things they do.

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Oh, that is a good question. So I'm really grateful, for example, for my development environment. So

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for all the people who work on EMAX, I'm really happy about that because that gives me a lot of

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productivity. Then I'm really happy about, yeah, the people doing freebies TV because I use free

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BST on both my laptop and my service. And it's just such a simplistic, nice way to go around.

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And apart from that, I mean, there are so many applications that I rely on on a daily basis.

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And it's just so amazing, like Firefox, like a mail client and all of that. And that's just

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impressive that it's available for free. For all the people who do work on compilers and so on,

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and on debuggers because without the user, I wouldn't be here.

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Then thank you very much, Hunters, for being with us today and all the best for your future

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development with Mirage and your other projects. Thank you very much. Thanks for having me here.

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This was the Software Freedom Podcast. If you liked this episode, please

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recommend it to your friends or colleagues. And also subscribe so you will not miss the next episode.

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This podcast is presented to you by the Free Software Foundation Europe. We are a charity

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that works on promoting Software Freedom. If you like our work, please support us with a donation.

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You find more information on the slash donate. Thank you very much. Bye-bye.

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