Transcript of SFP Special about GNU Health with Dr. Luis Falcón and Dr. Axel Braun

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Welcome to the sixth episode of the Software Freedom Podcast.

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This podcast is presented to you by the Free Software Foundation Europe.

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We are a charity that empowers users to control technology.

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I'm Matthias Kirschner, I'm the president of the Free Software Foundation Europe

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and I'm doing this podcast with Bonnie Merring.

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Hello, in times where the corona virus spreads around the world, every country is busy with

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countering or preparing the healthcare system for this crisis. Software is a crucial tool

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that can support humankind in this challenge.

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In this episode, we will focus on one of such tools, new health.

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New health is the Libre Health and Hospital Information System.

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Our guests for today are Dr. Axel Brown and Dr. Louis Falcon.

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Louis Falcon is the founder of the new Solidario and the author of Knew Health.

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Axel Brown published the first Knew Health life city and is deeply involved in the Knew Health

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project. So welcome Axel and welcome Louis.

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Thank you, Matthias and thank you, Bonnie, for inviting us over here

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and presenting new health to the Free Software hackers.

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Yeah, and likewise.

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Axel, can you start with briefly introducing what Knew Health is in general?

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Knew Health is a fully featured health and hospital information and management system.

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So we can distinguish for different areas of functionality or for different layers which

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all build on top of each other. The first area is the area of social medicine.

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Here we look at an individual before he becomes a patient.

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So we can look how he's living at his housing conditions, what his family relationships are,

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what his socioeconomic lifestyle is and so on. As soon as he becomes a patient and has to enter

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a hospital or a health practitioner's office or something like that, we do the full recording

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of his medical record with all activities involved. So the diagnosis, the prescriptions,

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the health situation, the history and everything around.

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The next layer is the area of managing a hospital or a practitioner's office.

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So there we have everything that you need. For example, management of housing, of beds,

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of operation rooms, surgery rooms, of health professionals, of pharmacy.

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We have a laboratory module. We have connectors to external systems like PACSERVERS.

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These are servers that manage medical images and something like that.

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Or the interconnection layer of financial accounting, supply chain management and so on.

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And last but not least, we have the area of reporting where we focus mainly on the

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Ministry of Health and their reporting needs, but as well as local authorities and hospital

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management. That's really interesting. And here at Lewis, that you were the author of,

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can you have, how and why did you get the idea for it?

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New health starts in the north of Argentina in 2006. We were actually doing implementations

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or deploying new Linux systems on rural schools. That gave me the idea to put together

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my background as a computer scientist and in medicine to work on social medicine and help

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the rural doctors to improve the determinants of health for their population.

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And that was the initial idea behind new health to work on social medicine and to work on primary care.

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And then within the years, we have seen how it has evolved to a full-blown health and hospital

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Lewis, can you briefly explain to our listeners what you understand under social medicine?

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By social medicine, we talk about all those determinants of health related to the socio-economic

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conditions of a person or a society. We could say that social medicine prevents social diseases.

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If we look today, we have over 20,000 children that die every single day from social diseases.

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What does it mean? We look at tuberculosis, we look at jagged disease, we look at war, we look at

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prostitution, we look at modern world slavery, all of those are social diseases.

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And what we do with new health, it's making sure that we have the tools to capture all those

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hot spots, homeless people, overcrowding conditions of those houses, domestic violence.

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If we don't tackle those issues, we are not doing inventive medicine.

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Because if you don't do that, what you are doing, it's working on the areas of the system of disease.

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And that's what most countries in the Western world do, erroneously, on my humble opinion.

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Because what you are doing today in most health systems is not preventive medicine.

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You are doing reactive medicine. You are trying to cure somebody that is already sick.

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And if somebody is already sick, probably, and we have seen perfectly, and I guess we'll talk

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later about that in the COVID-19 pandemic. If you tackle the sources of the disease soon enough,

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then you are doing good preventive medicine and you would detect the outbreaks before they become

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an epidemic. You already mentioned COVID-19, and it's a huge challenge for the whole

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healthcare system around the world. So I was wondering, what are your thoughts on your team,

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and how do you deal with this situation? So it's a tragedy, right? It's a tragedy that, on my opinion,

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we could have prevented as a humanity. COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, it's a new virus,

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but the same family of viruses, also, coronavirus, have been doing really bad epidemics,

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but we have us epidemic, and then we had the nurse epidemic.

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How could we have help with this? Well, mainly in different areas, as Axel was saying before,

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we work on the concept of people before patients. We have all the domiciliar units. We know at

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every single moment who lives where we have operational areas that divide the country or the

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region, administrative sectors, where those are provinces, cities, and whatever. So each of

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these administrative areas, we know are the hospitals are there. We know which health professionals

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are active. The specialty of all these health professionals should we need them to go from one

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place to the other. We know that nicity, the education level, the population density, population density

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is key on COVID-19 and many other infectious diseases. We know that the higher the population

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densities, the faster that the disease will spread. And guess what? The highest areas

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or the most dense population are always on the slums. They are always on areas of poverty. All

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those pockets of poverty and social exclusions are the areas or are the worst reservoirs

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or contagious diseases. You know, just to give you an analogy, the ventilation of the houses.

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You know in New Health, how many rooms do you have there? Is it well ventilated? How many people

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is actually living there? Do you have good sanitary conditions? Do you have sewers?

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So, and by the way, all of these is geo-referensated and geo-located linked to open street maps.

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So, again, look at this. If we have all this information, we are doing preventive medicine.

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We can track, we can do contact tracing when we have an index case. Imagine like this. Now,

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we know that we need to do tests, right? To check the antibodies where they are early stage antibodies,

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early infection stage antibodies, or where they are the IGG, and those are the memory antibodies.

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So, if you are IGM or early stage infection antibody is positive, it means that you are going through

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at this moment of active disease. Now, if you are IGG, that means that you already passed

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the disease, you are most probably immune to that disease. So, in that case, you could go back to work.

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And that's beautiful. So, we can do point-of-care testing with New Health in outpatient settings

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and get that information. So, putting all of these together and Axel can talk more if he wants

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about the inpatient settings and ICU and all that. But all of these that I'm talking now,

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it's all about preventing the disease and the pandemic to actually spread further.

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And that is a key that distinguishes New Health from other hospital management information

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systems because we before tackling the disease, we tackle the causes and the source, the root

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that generate that disease. And that is doing good primary care program, that is doing good

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public health program, health promotion and disease prevention.

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Axel, do you have anything to add here?

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Question was how do we think about it and what could we do about it? I mean, what we're trying

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is to network with other parties. For example, there was a press release about one or two weeks ago

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about the German company Bush wanted to release an analytic device that should do a corona test

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in about two hours, which would be a tremendous increase because currently you need a couple of days

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until you get a result. So I got a contact with Bush and asked them, look guys, we have a

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free health and hospital information system here. So we can immediately take your testing result,

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put them into the database, analyze them and do all the necessary steps behind it.

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Wouldn't it be an ideal combination if we can interface to your device and so build a nice

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little package, which will be especially interesting for emerging countries, not for the developed

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countries, like we have them here in Europe or North America, but mainly focusing on the emerging

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countries where we expect an explosion of the infection rate in the next weeks. Yeah, having said

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this, I got at least the confirmation that the email was received, but nothing more up to now,

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unfortunately. Is it in general that new health is mainly used in the countries you call

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emerging countries or where is it mainly used? Yes, basically it's used all around the world.

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As Louis said, the starting point was South America and Argentina. So it is used in various

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hospitals there. We have corporations with the University there and 30 years, for example,

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on the development of new health. We have currently a couple of projects going on in Africa,

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together with World Health Organization and the local ministries of health. We have implementations

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in Middle East, for example, in Pakistan. In India, big implementations going on at the moment

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and, for example, one of the oldest implementations is in Laos, the Center for Medical Rehabilitation,

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where they are taking care about people who are suffering from unexploded ordinances from the Vietnam

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War. In developed countries like Europe, there we have a high level of regulation. So if you look

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at Germany, for example, first of all, you need a certification if you want to deal with a public

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health system. We have two implementations from which we know in Germany. One is a charitable

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organization. They are giving medical help for homeless, for refugees, for people without health

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insurance and something like that, and they use new health to record their patients and the diagnosis

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and so on. And the other implementation is with an alternative practitioner who is only,

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let's say, bill-private patients. So both are not in relation and have no connection with the

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public health system. If you want to do business with the public health system, you need to have

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certain certifications. And as long as nobody stands up and say, look, we think this is interesting,

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and we want to pay for the certifications, we're probably not going to do it. So if by chance Mr. Spahn

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is listening, if he wants to spend some money in a sensible way, or if directive to the

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schematic, it would probably be a piece of cake for them to put the certification in place for

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new health, because it's all open and free software, so it should be easy for them to do that.

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But at the moment, we see not many interests from side of the European Ministry of Health,

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unfortunately. Do you see a way how this could be fixed? That is now interested from the European

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Health Commission. Yeah, I mean, the public sector is not straightforward with their open-source

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strategy. The German Christ Democrats have this now decided, basically, that if they develop

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software from public money, it should be released as source software, which is basically the

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public money, public code initiative, also driven from the free software foundation, Europe.

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I think this is a good approach, but the difficult thing is the way how free software comes into

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a company or into the public sector is completely different from the way it works with business

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software or proprietary software. So if you send out a request for information and say, look,

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I'm going to install a new ERP system and what are your offers? Then it takes two days and you

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have the sales troops already on your doorstep and telling you why this is the perfect system that

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you just have to buy and you're done forever. Perfect, wonderful. That does not work with free software

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because free software is not being sold to you. You have to become an active part and investigate

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for information. You can of course ask in the community and so on, but there is nobody coming to

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you and trying to sell you this. And this change of mind has to take place in the companies and

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in the public sector. And I think before this change in the mindset is not taking place, we will not

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be really successful with establishing free software in public institutions. I mean, there is free

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software, I think, where when people hear someone is interested in that, you have people reaching

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out to them and selling them their services. But for new health, how is it looking there? I mean,

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how are you financing yourself and what people are you having involved in your team? So is it mainly

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coders there or mainly doctors or how is it your team set up? We have a mixed team. We have a

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couple of medical doctors, of course. We have people from universities involved. I'm for example,

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I'm coming from a consulting background. I've spent many years in the ERP business and have

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done development there as well. The finance thing is of course an issue because we are fully

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financed only from donations. Recently received first small donation from the public sector,

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local health ministry. But besides this, we are only having donations from individuals mostly

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and of course a lot of volunteer work. When Lewis was explaining all this with with new health

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and how it's using a lot of data and a lot of all the private data from the living circumstances

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of people, I can imagine that there are some countries where, for example, Germany, where you

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also live, where people react a little bit like, oh, that's a huge privacy concern. So how do you

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tackle that? On one side, you can benefit from a lot of data there, but on the other hand,

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when a lot of this data is gathered, how do you make sure that a system like new health that doesn't

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turn into a surveillance tool for some countries? Yeah, it's a very interesting and a very important

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question. So first of all, we are taking widely-except standards, for example, for data encryption.

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So we're using new PG as the tool to sign data, certificates or prescriptions or to encrypt data.

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And we could encrypt data down to the lowest field level, basically, if this is needed.

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But if we have a fully encrypted database, we could probably not take benefit from

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interrelations between data records, the data analytical part. So here we need to draw an abstraction

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layer in between that allows us to analyze the data, but on the other hand, not go back onto

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an individual, because we are very concerned about data privacy. And unfortunately,

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what we've seen up to now is that always, let's say, comfort, beads, security, and privacy.

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So the people do not really take care about the value of their data, and I mean the current data,

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general data protection regulations as we have them now are in many areas really over the top.

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But I feel in some areas they are completely right. For example, that I have the right to ask

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each company or each local ministry about the data that is stored about myself and that I have

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the right for fortification. Thank you all. But for the overview of new health and how this could

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help with the pandemic, I was wondering what are your next steps, especially in regard to the

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current pandemic. Are you planning to implement any new tools in new health? We already have

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updated new health with ICD 10 codes of the pandemic. Now we can also, if you do point of

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testing, you can certify and associate the health condition with that code itself. So as I said,

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from public health point of view, it's very good because at that point, you could say, well,

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this person is already immune because he went through and he passed the disease and he has developed

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the antibodies and so on. And on the other hand, we are working with the community in having new

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health implemented with telemedicine where, you know, you can use the federation or the

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new health mobile application that that's what we are doing now on QT. So, you know, the person can

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do this rapid test from his house and also allow primary care physicians to give instructions

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on in an outpatient settings because, you know, new health is also embedded. So with the Raspberry

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PI, for example, they can have the new health on their houses and communicate with whether

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is the health professional or the nurse and do a quick assessment on their health status from

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remote. So, you don't compromise those health professionals. The solutions are there. The

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technical functionality is there. We just need the government to listen to us.

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Axel, do you want to add anything to this?

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Yeah, in terms of next steps, we have all the measures in place. We are ICD-10 encoded, including

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the latest encoding for Corona. So, everything is really there. There are some developments going

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on. For example, at the moment, we are working together with the KDE project on a mobile client

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for new health using Kirigami and plasma technology. The federation server, which is the model

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that can be used to connect multiple nodes like health information systems or smaller subsets

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running on a Raspberry PI, like Luis mentioned beforehand, that are reporting into this federation

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server is being developed further in terms of reporting facilities and other projects that are

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have a public funding, for example, Opememis, which is an insurance management tool for

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public health care sector. Thank you, Axel. Thank you, Luis. Unfortunately, we are already

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coming to an end. As in every podcast, I would like to ask the two of you if there are any free

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software developers, contributors or free software projects you would like to thank. Because that's

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what we always encourage people in February to do, but I think especially in times when

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humankind is under threat like this. It's important to not forget to say thank you to others

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who contribute there. So, Luis, is there any individual or project out there you would like to thank?

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Oh, it would be endless. You would take me another hour to thank all the people from Python

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community, LibreOffice where we've done some reporting, Flask, the KDE, and also from the research

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community, the European Bioinformatic Institute that is having all the protein natural variants,

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so important on genomics that we use in new health and genetic diseases, you know, all the research

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community around the world that allow us to build this project, a big thank you, and of course,

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at this moment, big thank you to all health professionals around the world that are giving

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their lives for curing and accompanying the people that is going through the COVID-19 disease,

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a big hug to all of them. So, next to the ones that Luis mentioned already, which would

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on my favorite list as well, I would like to add two projects, first of all, GNU-P, because with

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their technology, they're one of the defenders of a privacy in general, and second of all, I would

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like to thank the OpenSUSA project, because they're a regular sponsor of new health conferences,

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and they are the only distribution that's shipping GNU health already in their system standard

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right now. Thank you. Thank you very much, Axel, thank you very much, Luis, for being with us on

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this podcast. Yeah, thanks, Bonnie and Matthias, and keep the good work of the free software foundation

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Europe up. I think we have to challenge our politicians with free software. Thank you for that.

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Thank you for having us, Bonnie and Matthias, it's been a real pleasure, and thank you for putting

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the accent again on public health care, and keep up the excellent job you're doing with your

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public money, public code. This was the software freedom podcast. If you liked this episode,

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please recommend it to your friends and rate it. Also subscribe to make sure you will get the next

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episode. This podcast is presented to you by the free software foundation Europe,

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where a charity that works on promoting software freedom. If you like our work, please consider

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supporting us with a donation. You'll find more information on slash donate. We're

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looking forward to the next episode with you. Until then, please stay healthy. Goodbye. Goodbye.

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