Our new hooded zippies are there - well almost, but your can pre-order them for self-pickup at 38c3 or FOSDEM '25. The pre-order will end 2024-11-11. Pre-order your zippy now!

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FSFE 15 Years badge

FSFE's 15th Anniversary!

Since its foundation in 2001 we have achieved many things. The FSFE has been instrumental in a successful antitrust-case against a big software corporation that was intent on dominating the market of personal computers; we have managed to maintain software patents unenforceable in Europe, avoiding a veritable apocalypse for small and medium-sized tech companies; and we have worked alongside gpl-violations.org to get free licenses vindicated in German courts of law, setting ground-breaking precedents for the whole of the EU. You can find out more about the work we have carried out be visiting the FSFE timeline.

So we feel the need to celebrate. To do that we have organised a "Get to know your Local Free Software Hero" awareness campaign. The idea is we put community members in touch with the press in the region where you live. Local heroes can explain to journalists how the Free Software community affects the people near you, the benefits it has on education, the health system, the local economy and the lives of citizens in general. If you are journalist, blogger, vlogger, podcaster, or a private citizen who can help us get in touch with a media outlet, big or small, get in touch with us and we'll tell you who your local heroes are and how to meet them.

The 15th anniversary theme will also feature prominently in our 2016 summit. We are holding our summit from 2 - 4 of September in Berlin this year, and we would like you to come. We have a first class line up of speakers and we will be covering all the pressing topics concerning Free Software in Europe and the world. So save your place by signing up on our registration page.

But probably the most important thing you can do to make this year important for us is become a Fellow. If you would like to support us directly and become part of the FSFE please sign up as sustaining member now. There are no fixed fees, you can adjust it to what is convenient to you, and whatever you choose will help us keep software free.

So, become a sustaining member, spread the word, and come to our event! Whatever you choose will help us to empower users to control technology.