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Event Archive for 2010

Monthly Fellowship meeting in Berlin, Germany

09 December 2010

This month again, the Berlin Fellowship meeting will be in the Newthinking Store, in the Tucholskystr. 48, 10117 Berlin. We'll be there from 19:30. Ali Gündüz will make a presentation there on "Free Software GSM". The talk will be aimed at those without any prior knowledge of GSM protocols. "You have gotten used to the idea of Android and Meego? Let's see what you'll think about the possibility of Free Software handling what your cell phone is primarily made for" announces Ali Gündüz. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Free Software in public administrations at OSEPA conference, Badajoz, Spain

02 December 2010

At a conference in Badajoz, in the Spanish region of Extremadura, public administrations from across Europe are exchanging experiences and plans regarding Free Software. FSFE's President Karsten Gerloff has been invited to share recent developments in European policy concerning Free Software and Open Standards.  


22 – 26 November 2010

No comitê da OMPI sobre o desenvolvimento e "propriedade intelectual", os Estados membros da OMPI vão debater como as regras do copyright, as patentes e as marcas comerciais podem ajudar a promover o desenvolvimento social e econômico. O Presidente da FSFE, Karsten Gerloff, e a estagiária Maëlle Costa participarão para fornecer as contribuições da FSFE nesta discussão. Entre os temas agendados incluem-se projetos colaborativos e patentes.  

Conferência: A tensão entre as patentes e o processo de padronização das TIC

22 November 2010

Os padrões tecnológicos são um instrumento poderoso para promover ou inibir a inovação do software. Para o Software Livre, é fundamental que mesmo as tecnologias patenteadas que são incluídas nas normas possam ser aplicadas sem restrições. Em uma conferência organizada em Bruxelas pela Comissão Europeia, o Presidente da FSFE, Karsten Gerloff, participará de um painel sobre Software Livre e padronização.  

Fellowship meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

18 November 2010

A Fellowship meeting takes place on 18 November 2010 in Zurich. We meet at 18:30 in the "Pausenraum" of the "Spielwerkstatt Murmel", Kanonengasse 16, first floor (Zeughaus 5, old barracks in Zurich's city center, upstairs, down the corridor until the end). As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!  

Reunião da Fellowship Jabber sobre as atividades educativas da FSFE

17 November 2010

A equipa-edu da FSFE vai organizar uma reunião jabber na quarta-feira 17 de novembro para priorizar as atividades a desenvolver e debater o desenvolvimentos mais recentes no campo do Software Livre na educação. De 20:00 a 21:00, você está cordialmente convidado a participar da reunião Fellowship-Jabber para participar do debate sobre o futuro das atividades do ensino. Qual é a sua opinião sobre o Software Livre e a educação? Tem alguma ideia? Você pode encontrar facilmente informações sobre como participar do bate-papo na wiki.

A FSFE na SFScon, Bolzano, Itália

12 November 2010

Neste ano, no Encontro de Software Livre do Sul do Tirol, o presidente da FSFE, Karsten Gerloff, falará sobre Software Livre e inovação empresarial. Henrik Sandklef da equipa sueca da FSFE dará uma visão geral da situação em matéria de Software Livre na Suécia.

A participação é gratuita, mas é necessário registrar-se.  

A FSFE como convidada de honra da Berlin Debating Union

11 November 2010

A FSFE foi convidada pela Berlin Debating Union para fazer um discurso na sua primeira Noite de Partilhamento de Conhecimento deste ano. O discurso de Matthias Kirschner começará às 19:00, e depois o público terá tempo para fazer perguntas. às 20:15, começará um debate em torno do tema do Software Livre. Portanto, a reunião da fellowship de Berlim do 11 de novembro terá lugar a título excepcional no edifício principal da Universidade de Humboldt, no Humboldtianus Orbis, acima da Audimax. A Noite de Partilhamento de Conhecimento atrairá estudantes de todas as universidades de Berlim, nós esperamos ver você lá também!

Sétimo dia de Informação em Linux em Brandenburgo

06 November 2010

A Universidade de Potsdam hospeda o Sétimo dia de Informação em Linux em Brandenburgo (BLIT). A FSFE apresentará um estande com informações e materiais sobre o Software Livre no ensino superior e no trabalho. Além disso, a FSFE terá uma oficina de debate aberta ao público onde as pessoas terão a possibilidade de refletir e debater sobre os desafios do Software Livre e os Padrões Abertos. A entrada para este evento é gratuita. Traga as suas perguntas sobre o Software Livre com você!

Reunião da Fellowship em Frankfurt, Alemanha

03 November 2010

Quarta-feira 3 de novembro, a seguinte reunião da Fellowship na área de Rhein/Main terá lugar no Hotel Sandelmühle, Frankfurt/Main. Vamos encontrar-nos lá por volta das 20:00 h.  

Jornada de intervenientes da Agenda Digital

25 October 2010

O Diretório Geral da Sociedade da Informação da Comissão Europeia está a organizar uma jornada de seminários para desenvolver "Grandes Ideias" para a Agenda Digital da Comissão. O Presidente da FSFE, Karsten Gerloff, participará para explorar as possibilidades de uma nuvem livre.  


23 October 2010

Georg Greve, FSFE's Founder, will speak at the TEDxRheinNeckar event in the university of Mannheim, Germany. Georg's talk will deal with the "Meaning of Free Software for society". If you are interested in attending the TEDxRhienNeckar, just take some time to register (registration fee to be paid).

Reunião mensal da Fellowship em Viena, Áustria

15 October 2010

Este mês, a reunião da Fellowship de Viena será no Metalab, localizado na Rathausstraße 6 no 1º distrito de Viena. We'll be there from 18:00, with agenda related discussions starting at 19:00. Como de costume, este convite é para todos os interessados na FSFE ou no Software Livre. Estamos ansiosos por vê-lo lá!

Reunião mensal da Fellowship em Berlim, Alemanha

14 October 2010

Este mês, novamente, a reunião da Fellowship em Berlim será na Loja Newthinking, na Tucholskystr. 48, 10117 Berlim. Estaremos lá a partir das 19:30. Torsten Grote fará uma apresentação sobre "Serviços Centralizados na Internet e Problemas de Poder". Esta palestra ilustrará as tendências dos serviços centralizados e explicar as razões destas tendências. E, para concluir, algumas soluções e estratégias que podem ajudar os usuários a permanecer no controle dos seus computadores e dos seus dados. Outros temas para este encontro são a campanha PDF readers, e os dois eventos por vir: a FSCONS e a BLIT, ambas as duas no 6 de novembro.

Como de costume, este convite é para todos os interessados na FSFE ou no Software Livre. Estamos ansiosos por vê-lo lá!

OMPI: Comité Permanente sobre o Direito de Patentes

11 – 15 October 2010

Na Organização Mundial da Propriedade Intelectual (OMPI) em Genebra, o Comitê Permanente sobre o Direito de Patentes reúne-se para a sua 15ª sessão. Os temas a serem discutidos incluem a patenteabilidade do software e a relação entre patentes e padrões. O presidente da FSFE, Karsten Gerloff, está participando da reunião, a fim de ajudar a criar regras, leis e práticas que sejam favoráveis ao Software Livre.  

FSFE Websprint

09 – 10 October 2010

Durante o fim de semana, a equipa web da FSFE reunir-se-á para trabalhar no sítio web da FSFE. Trabalharemos na criação de um novo desenho para a FSFE, bem como em uma multidão de novas melhoras. Para este encontro único precisamos desenvolvedores (HTML, CSS, XSLT, Perl), gente que domine o inglês, falado e escrito, bem como tradutores (de todos os idiomas). Para mais detalhes sobre as atividades que imos levar a cabo, por favor, consulte o calendário

O Websprint terá lugar no escritório da FSFE em Berlim, no Linienstr. 141, 10115 Berlim. Haverá refeições e refrescos para os colaboradores. Se você deseja passar um tempo com a equipa web, mas não interferir em seu trabalho, una-se a nós para o jantar - saímos do Linienstr. às 19.00 horas na sexta-feira e no sábado e às 18.00 horas no domingo.

Fellowship Meeting in Frankfurt, Germany

06 October 2010

Wednesday, 6 October, the next Fellowship meeting in the Rhein/Main area will take place in the kp-21, Bachmannstraße 2-4, 60488 Frankfurt/Main. We will meet there around 20:00 h.  

IRILL Days, Paris, France

04 October 2010

At the IRILL conference on Free Software research taking place in Paris, France, both FSFE's current President Karsten Gerloff and founding President Georg Greve will speak during the opening session. Karsten's talk is titled "Enlightening! Free Software research in context". Georg will discuss "Free Software and the playing field". Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required.  

Westminster eForum Seminar in London, U.K.

23 September 2010

At the Westminster eForum Seminar on September 23, FSFE's President Karsten Gerloff will deliver a keynote address on "Free Software in business and in government." More information can be found here.

Software Freedom Day 2010

18 September 2010

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is a worldwide celebration of Free Software. Take this opportunity to share with your community the advantages of Free Software in business, education, the public sector and at home. Visit the SFD website for more details of events in your area, ideas for activities, and to register your participation.

To celebrate Software Freedom Day, Karsten Gerloff will give a talk at a celebration in the Royal Library of The Hague, Netherlands. The event will take place on the 18th of September, for more information you can have a look at the agenda.

If you want to know more about FSFE's involvment in the SFD 2010, please consult our information page.

FrOSCamp, Zurich, Switzerland

17 – 18 September 2010

On 17 and 18 September 2010, the first FrOSCamp will take place on the premises of the ETH Zurich in the CHN building of the Zentrum campus, Universitätsstrasse 16, Zurich. Reinhard Müller will hold a speech titled "Free yourself - how to save the world in five easy steps" (in German), and FSFE will present its work and the Fellowship at an information booth. Admission to the event is free of charge, and no registration is required.  

Internet Governance Forum 2010 in Vilnius, Lithuania

16 September 2010

Karsten Gerloff, FSFE's President, will speak at a workshop of this year's Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Vilnius, Lithuania. The subject is "Data in the Cloud: Where do Open Standards fit in?". The workshop will take place on Thursday, September the 16th, from 14:15 to 16:15. FSFE has been involved in the IGF since its first edition in 2006, and is part of the Dynamic Coalition on Open Standards.

Berlin Linux User Group's Vortragsabend

15 September 2010

The Berlin Linux User Group – BeLUG – meets on the 15th of September, 2010, at 18:00 for a presentations evening. Torsten Grote (FSFE) will speak about Cloud Computing & Software as a Service (SaaS). The presentations, meetings and workshops are free of charge. The meeting is open to all GNU/Linux enthousiastics. We meet at the IN-Berlin, Lehrter Str. 53, 10557 Berlin-Mitte More Information is to be found here.

TEDxEutropolis in Heerlen, Netherlands

10 September 2010

Karsten Gerloff, FSFE's President, will speak at the TEDxEutropolis event in Heerlen, Netherlands, organized by the TEDx program of the TED (Technology, Entertainment & Design). The Eutropolis intends to gather the brightest ideas to forge an economic and cultural centre out of border regions of Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany. Karsten's talk will start at 11:35. If you are interested in attending the TEDxEutropolis, just take some time to register (registration fee to be paid).

Braderie of Lille, France

04 – 05 September 2010

The Braderie of Lille is a popular event every year in the streets of Lille (north of France). FSFE will have a booth there to introduce the general audience to Free Software. Don't hesitate to join us!

The booth is located Place du Vieux Marché aux Chevaux and will be animated by fellows from France, and also FSFE's President, Karsten Gerloff and Rainer Kersten. If you plan to come and see us, let us know!

Fellowship Meeting in Frankfurt, Germany

01 September 2010

Wednesday, 1 September, the next Fellowship meeting in the Rhein/Main area will take place in Frankfurt: We are going to meet in the kp-21, Bachmannstraße 2-4, 60488 Frankfurt/Main. We will meet there around 20:00h. Further details can be found in the wiki.

FSFE and KDE Grillparty

27 August 2010

The KDE e.V. and FSFE office in Berlin invites you to their office BBQ and KDE 4.5 release party from 17.30 on Friday 27 August in the Linienstr. 141. The office is in the backyard.

We will take care of the drinks, the bread, salad and the grill. Please bring yourself and your prefered food!

If you plan to attend, let us know before 20 August.

Monthly Fellowship meeting in Berlin, Germany

12 August 2010

This month again, the Berlin Fellowship meeting will be in the Newthinking Store, in the Tucholskystr. 48 10117 Berlin. We'll be there from 19:30. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Fellowship meeting in Forchheim, Germany

06 August 2010

On Friday, 6 August 2010, at 19:00, a Fellowship meeting will take place in the restaurant “Roter Ochs” in Forchheim. Everybody interested in an exciting discussion in restaurant with a good network connection is invited. Please tell us at if you are planning to attend.

GNU Hackers Meeting at the Hague, Netherlands

24 – 27 July 2010

In connection with the GUADEC 2010 conference, GNU contributors are invited to attend the European GNU Hackers Meeting at the Hague in Netherlands. The special focus of the meeting will be “building decentralized GNU applications” with an emphasis on privacy and security. Attendees are requested to register.

Talk on "Freedom in the Cloud"

24 July 2010

At FISL 11 in Porto Alegre, Brazil, FSFE's President will talk about how to carry the ideas of software freedom into the world of cloud computing and software as a service. The talk starts at 18:00 local time.

Monthly Fellowship meeting in Vienna, Austria

16 July 2010

This month, the Vienna Fellowship meeting will be in the Metalab, located in the Rathausstraße 6 in the 1st district of Vienna. We'll be there from 18:00, with agenda related discussions starting at 19:00. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Karsten Gerloff talks at Bilbao, Spain

15 July 2010

At 12:00 Karsten Gerloff, President of FSFE, will talk about Haciendo mas - El Software Libre en la empresa at Parque teconogico Zamudio, Edificio ESI, Room no 204, Zamudio. No entrance fee, guests are welcome.

Networking meeting at Bilbao, Spain

15 July 2010

At 16:00 misc. Fellows and representatives of organisations from northen Spain and FSFE's president Karsten Gerloff will meet at Universidad de Deusto, Campus Bilbao, Faculdad de Ingeneria, 2o pisto, 211bis, Sala de Videoconferencias. Whoever is interested, should feel invited to join.

Fellowship meeting at Bilbao, Spain

15 July 2010

Please join us for the first Fellowship meeting in Bilbao with FSFE's president Karsten Gerloff. At 21:00 we'll meet at Bar “Bilbao”, Plaza Barria, Bilbao. Guests are very welcome, Fellow or not. If you're coming, please send a quick email to

Fellowship Meeting at San Sebastian, Spain

13 July 2010

At 20:00 the first Fellowship meeting at Donostia/San Sebastian will take place at the Restaurant “Kaska Zuri”, Paseo de Salamanca, Donostia/San Sebastian. FSFE's President Karsten Gerloff will meet with Fellows and other Free Software supporters from the region. Everyone is welcome. The restaurant is located 2 min from the central bus station at the Boulevard. If you're coming, please send a quick email to

Fellowship meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

08 July 2010

A Fellowship meeting takes place on 8 July 2010 in Zurich. We meet at 18:30 in the "Pausenraum" of the "Spielwerkstatt Murmel", Kanonengasse 16, first floor (Zeughaus 5, old barracks in Zurich's city center, upstairs, down the corridor until the end). As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!  

Libre Software Meeting (aka RMLL), Bordeaux, France

06 – 11 July 2010

The 2010 Libre Software Meeting is a non commercial conference with talks, workshops and round tables about Free Software and its uses. The LSM provides a place for exchange and meeting between Free Software developers, users and stakeholders. This year, it will be at Bordeaux 1 University.

Update: The FSFE will present its activities at a booth. We are still looking for helpers at that booth. Whoever is interested to join should contact  

Fellowship meeting in Graz, Austria

01 July 2010

This time, the Graz Fellowship meeting will be in Realraum, located in the Jakoministraße 16, 8010 Graz. We'll be there from 19:00. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Fellowship meeting in Aachen

30 June 2010

On Wednesday, June 30 2010, the first Aachen Fellowship meeting will take place at the "Labyrinth", Pontstr. 156, 52062 Aachen. FSFE's president Karsten Gerloff will also attend. At this evening, no worldcup match is scheduled. Guests are welcome!

Fellowship meeting, FSFE's general assembly social event, Bolzano, Italy

19 June 2010

Every time the members of FSFE's general assemblyhave their annual meeting, we have a get-together with the local community on Saturday evening. We would like to meet you, have a lot of Free Software discussions with you, and talk with you about your perception of the Free Software situation in Italy and what we can do. When: Saturday June 19 2010, 18:00. Where: Hotel Bemelmans Post, Ritten/Renon, Bolzano, Italy. Information to get there.

Monthly Fellowship meeting in Vienna, Austria

18 June 2010

This month, the Vienna Fellowship meeting will be in the Metalab, located in the Rathausstraße 6 in the 1st district of Vienna. We'll be there from 18:00, with agenda related discussions starting at 19:00. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Fellowship meeting in Tampere, Finland

10 June 2010

Topic: OpenStreetMap - the Wikipedia of maps
When: Thursday 10.06.2010 18:00
Where: Demola, Väinö Linnan aukio 15 (3rd floor) Tampere
GIS-expert Jukka Rahkonen tells about the OpenStreetMap-project and how you can contribute to it with your own GPS-device and how you can use OSM-data to make your own maps and GIS-services that comply with the OGC-standards.
Admission to the event is free. No registration is required, but if you plan to attend, please drop us a line at finland at  

“LinuxTag” in Berlin, Germany

09 – 12 June 2010

“LinuxTag” is one of the largest exhibitions on Free Software in Europe. This year, Matthias Kirschner will talk about “The 8 misunderstandings of Free Software” and Torsten Grote with Karsten Gerloff, President of FSFE, will talk about Cloud Computing. The event will take place at the Berlin fairgrounds, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Entrance: Hall 7. Visitors must book a ticket (more information).  

ACTA and its impact on Free Software, Jabber Fellowship Meeting

02 June 2010

Due to organisational issues, this meeting is delayed to Wednesday June 23rd. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Julia Klein, the newly elected Fellowship representative, organises a jabber meeting together with Torsten Grote, German Coordinator Matthias Kirschner and French Coordinator Hugo Roy to answer fellows' questions about the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA). Everybody who would like to ask her/his questions about ACTA or FSFE's position on this issue is invited to our next Jabber Meeting, online at our fellowship chat room on Wednesday, 2nd June at 20:00 CEST.  

Fellowship meeting in Siegen

02 June 2010

On 2 June at 20:00 there will be a Fellowship meeting in the restaurant "Schwarzes Schaf", Erzstraße 46, 57076 Siegen. Christian Holz, FSFE's Executive Director, will be there, too. Guests are welcome.

"Linuxwochen" in Eisenstadt, Austria

28 – 29 May 2010

Numerous talks for beginners and experts will take place at the University of Applied Science Eisenstadt, with a focus on Free Software in education. FSFE will be present with a information booth, and Peter Bubestinger holds a speech titled "Freedom of education in the digital age? Free Software!" Technology update from the European Union

27 May 2010

FSFE's President Karsten Gerloff will give "A policy update from the European Union" regarding Free Software and Open Standards during a webinar organised by Red Hat, titled "Open Your World". The webinar will be streamed from 14:45 CET (13:45 UTC), and Karsten will speak from 15:45 CET. He will share the virtual stage with OFE's Graham Taylor.  

Fellowship meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

20 May 2010

A Fellowship meeting takes place on 20 May 2010 in Zurich. We meet at 18:30 in the "Pausenraum" of the "Spielwerkstatt Murmel", Kanonengasse 16, first floor (Zeughaus 5, old barracks in Zurich's city center, upstairs, down the corridor until the end). As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!  

Presentation "Free Software in schools - the views of headmasters" in Tampere, Finland

12 May 2010

The Department of Business Information Management and Logistics of the Technical University Tampere and the Agora Center of the University Jyväskylä have done a study about Free Software in Finnish schools. On 12 May 2010 at 18:00 in Demola, Väinö Linnan aukio 15, 3rd floor, Tampere, researcher Kimmo Wideroos will present the results and conclusions, and afterwards there will be an open discussion about the potential and possibilities of Free Software in schools.
Admission to the event is free. No registration is required, but if you plan to attend, please drop us a line at fsfe-fi at  

Theodor Heuss Medal, Stuttgart, Germany

07 – 08 May 2010

FSFE is receiving this year's Theodor Heuss Medal. On Friday, FSFE's President Karsten Gerloff will speak on "Capitalism and Responsibility" during a colloquium organised by the Theodor Heuss Foundation. Gesine Schwan, a former candidate for the President of Germany, will open this event on "The social market economy and globalisation". The award ceremony will take place on Saturday from 10:30 to 12:15. It will be recorded by the German TV channel Phoenix. Both events are by invitation only. We have a small number of invitations left. Please contact the German team if you would like to join us. Friday's event will take place from 14:00 to 18:00 at Literaturhaus Stuttgart. The award ceremony on Saturday will take place at the Alte Reithalle Stuttgart.  

"Linuxwochen" in Vienna, Austria

06 – 08 May 2010

For three days, the old Vienna town hall hosts this year's "Linuxwochen" event with many interesting talks, information booths and workshops. FSFE will be present with a information booth, and Peter Bubestinger holds a speech titled "Freedom of education in the digital age? Free Software!"  

Stuttgart Fellowship meeting

06 May 2010

The Stuttgart Fellowship group will meet at Cafe Stella, Hauptstätter Straße 57, 70178 Stuttgart on 06 May 2010 at 8.00. We will celebrate the Theodor Heuss Medal together with Matthias Kirschner (Germany- and Fellowship-Coordinator). Everybody is welcome to celebrate with us.

Fellowship-meeting in Gothenburg

06 May 2010

On 6 May it is once again time for a Fellowship-meeting in Gothenburg. The meeting will be held at Gnutiken in Övre Husargatan 27, and will commence at 6 pm. Everyone are invited.

Fellowship-Meeting in Dusseldorf

28 April 2010

Date and time: 26.05.2010 19:30 CEST
Location: "Friedrichskrone" Talstraße/Kirchfeldstraße in Dusseldorf
Topics: Everything the participants like to
Guests are very welcome.

Free Software day in Krems, Austria

27 April 2010

Starting at 9:00am, the Donau-Universität Krems invites teachers, pupils, parents and everyone interested to inform themselves about the benefits of using Free Software and GNU/Linux in school environments. The FSFE will be present with a stand, and Peter Bubestinger will give a speech titled "Freedom of education in the digital age? Free software!" (in German).  

Speech "Free Software / Free Society", Backnang, Germany

25 April 2010

On 25 April 7pm Matthias Kirschner will explain what Free Software is, talk about its importance for society and why politicians should bother about this topic. Organiser of the event is the youth organisation of the Green party. Everybody interested is invited to join the presentation and the discussion afterwards. The speech takes place in the "Kreishaus der Jugendarbeit", Marktstraße 48, 71522 Backnang.

"Linuxtage" in Graz, Austria

24 April 2010

A whole day at the FH Joanneum stuffed with presentations and talks offers the possibility for interested users, system administrators and software developers to extend their knowhow about GNU/Linux and Free Software. FSFE will be present with a information booth, and Peter Bubestinger holds a speech titled "Freedom of education in the digital age? Free Software!"  

"Why Free Software?", Berlin, Germany

21 April 2010

On 21 April 6pm Matthias Kirschner will give a talk at the BLUG in Berlin to talk about the importance of Free Software for our society. The speech takes place in the Lehrter Straße 53, 10557 Berlin-Mitte. Everybody interested in Free Software is invited to the speech.

Fellowship meeting in Hamburg, Germany

21 April 2010

The Hamburg Fellowship group meeting will take place at 19:30 at the Roxie, Rentzelstr. 6, 20146 Hamburg (near university). For details see Hamburg Fellowship group.  

Fellowship meeting in Tampere

14 April 2010

The Finnish team coordinator Otto Kekäläinen holds a presentation (in Finnish) about the Free Software Foundation Europe, which after the evening continues with informal discussion about free software.

The meeting is open to all and there is no compulsory registration. However, we recommend you drop us a line at so that we can reserve enough refreshments for everybody.

Location: Demola, 3rd floor, meeting room GAIA (Väinö Linna's square 15, Tampere)
Time: wed 14 April 2010 at 6 pm

"Linuxwochen" in Linz, Austria

14 – 17 April 2010

The event at the University of Arts in Linz offers workshops, hacklabs, presentations and performances in the area of digital arts and culture. FSFE is present with a booth where everybody is welcome to talk about Free Software over a nice cup of coffee.  

Freedom Task Force ELN Workshop, Amsterdam, Netherlands

08 – 09 April 2010

The Freedom Task Force, FSFE's legal and licensing department, will hold the third European Licensing and Legal Workshop on the 8th and 9th of April 2010 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. This conference will provide legal experts a forum for discussions on supply chain management, compliance procedures, licence management and other legal issues related to the growth of the European Free Software market. There is limited space available at the event and attendance for non-network members is by invitation only.  

Fellowship meeting i Gothenburg

08 April 2010

On 8 April it is once again time for a Fellowship-meeting in Gothenburg. The meeting will be held at Gnutiken in Övre Husargatan 27, and will commence at 6 pm. Everyone are invited.

Fellowship Meeting in Berlin

08 April 2010

The local Fellowship group will meet on april 8th. The location is as always the NewThinkingStore at Tucholskystraße 48. Lena will talk about “Women, Equality and (Free) Software”. Guests are welcome to join in and chat about issues around Free Software.

Document Freedom Day

31 March 2010

On March 31, people and groups around the world will celebrate Document Freedom Day to raise awareness for Open Standards and open document formats. The campaign takes place for the third time under FSFE's stewardship. The campaign website lists ideas for getting active. Come and celebrate document freedom with us!  

Fellowship meeting in Graz, Austria

25 March 2010

This time, the Graz Fellowship meeting will be in Realraum, located in the Jakoministraße 16, 8010 Graz. We'll be there from 19:00. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

ACTA stakeholder consultation meeting, Brussels, BE

22 March 2010

ACTA is an international agreement on copyright and patents which several developed countries are currently negotiating in secret. While no official texts have been published, numerous leaked documents indicate that the treaty would further restrict our freedom to share and re-use knowledge. The European Commission's DG TRADE is holding a stakeholders' consultation meeting to inform Europeans about the state of play of the negotiations. FSFE's President Karsten Gerloff will attend the meeting and represent the interests of Free Software.

The event is open to the public, but registration is required. The European Commission promises to make a web stream of the event available.  

Monthly Fellowship meeting in Vienna, Austria

19 March 2010

This month, the Vienna Fellowship meeting will be in the Metalab, located in the Rathausstraße 6 in the 1st district of Vienna. We'll be there from 18:00, with agenda related discussions starting at 19:00. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

Fellowship meeting in Zurich, Switzerland

18 March 2010

A Fellowship meeting takes place on 18 March 2010 in Zurich. We meet at 18:30 in the "Pausenraum" of the "Spielwerkstatt Murmel", Kanonengasse 16, first floor (Zeughaus 5, old barracks in Zurich's city center, upstairs, down the corridor until the end). As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!  

Fellowship meeting in Hamburg, Germany

17 March 2010

The initial Hamburg Fellowship group meeting will take place at 19:30 at the Roxie, Rentzelstr. 6, 20146 Hamburg (near university). For details see Hamburg Fellowship group.

Chemnitzer “LinuxTage”, Chemnitz, Germany

13 – 14 March 2010

FSFE will have a booth at “LinuxTage”, one of the most important event about Free Software in Germany. The event will feature Martin Gollowitzer's OpenPGP smartcard workshop, and talks by Lena Simon on Women and Free Software, FSFE's German Coordinator Matthias Kirschner about 8 misunderstandings of Free Software and FSFE's President, Karsten Gerloff, will speak of Strategic Licensing. As in the last years a ticket for the conference will cost € 5. Reduced fee will be € 3. Tickets are valid on both days and can be bought directly at the entrance to the conference. A reservation is neither necessary nor possible. A ticket pre-sale is also not planned. The event takes place at Hörsaal- und Seminar-Gebäude der Technischen Universität Chemnitz, Reichenhainer Straße 90, 09126 Chemnitz.  

CeBIT “Open Source Forum”, Hannover, Germany

03 – 06 March 2010

At this year's CeBIT, FSFE is represented with two speakers, bringing new insights and taking a look ahead at what the future holds. On Wednesday at 13:00, FSFE's Germany coordinator Matthias Kirschner will present "8 Misunderstandings about Free Software - or are they lies?" On Thursday at 14:00, FSFE's President Karsten Gerloff will speak about "Opening up the market for Free Software: The battle for Interoperability". Both talks will take place in Hall 2. Registration for the event is possible.  

Fellowship meeting in Göteborg, Sweden

03 March 2010

Starting Wednesday, March 3, the Gothenburg FSFE team is reviving its Fellowship group with monthly meetings. The meetings will take place in Gnutiken at 18:00, and are open to everyone.

    "Free Software: 10 myths and the truth" (in German), Eupen, Belgium

    02 March 2010

    FSFE's President Karsten Gerloff will speak about "Free Software: 10 Myths and the Truth" at the Eupen Center for Further Education (ZAWM). The talk will be in German. Afterwards, there will be lots of space for questions and discussion. The event is public, please register with schneider AT  

    Fellowship meeting in Graz, Austria

    25 February 2010

    This time, the Graz Fellowship meeting will be in Realraum, located in the Jakoministraße 16, 8010 Graz. We'll be there from 19:00. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

    Monthly Fellowship meeting in Vienna, Austria

    19 February 2010

    This month, the Vienna Fellowship meeting will be in the Metalab, located in the Rathausstraße 6 in the 1st district of Vienna. We'll be there from 18:00, with agenda related discussions starting at 19:00. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

    Stuttgart Fellowship meeting

    11 February 2010

    The Stuttgart Fellowship group will meet at Sophies Brauhaus on 11 February 2010 at 8.00 pm in Marienstraße 28. Thomas Jensch will talk about FSFEs Edu-Team. Another topic will be the re-start of a regular Fellowship meeting in Stuttgart.

    Berlin Fellowship meeting

    11 February 2010

    The Berlin Fellowship group will meet at the NewthinkingStore at 7.30 pm in Tucholskystraße 48. Ali Gündüz will talk about complete free GNU/Linux Distributions. Another topic will be the FOSDEM 2010 and the DFD organisation. Guests are always welcome.

    FOSDEM, Brussels, Belgium

    06 – 07 February 2010

    FSFE will have a booth at FOSDEM, the ultimate European event organized by the community, for the community. The goal of this meeting is to provide Free Software developers a place to meet. No registration necessary. The event takes place at ULB Campus Solbosh, 50 Avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1050 Bruxelles.  

    Election for Fellowship GA seat

    01 – 28 February 2010

    During February Fellows can elect a second representative for FSFE's General Assembly. The Fellow who will be elected will serve a two year term.  

    Stuttgart Open Fair, Germany

    30 January 2010

    Björn Schießle from the German team will give a speech at the Stuttgart Open Fair. His talk "Free Software - More than just a Development strategy" will be part of a workshop. The workshop will take place at Saturday, 30. January, 11-13 o'clock. Location: Forum3, Gymnasiumstr. 21, Stuttgart, Germany.  

    Monthly Fellowship meeting in Vienna, Austria

    15 January 2010

    This month, the Vienna Fellowship meeting will be in the Metalab, located in the Rathausstraße 6 in the 1st district of Vienna. We'll be there from 18:00, with agenda related discussions starting at 19:00. As usual, this invitation is for everyone interested in the FSFE or Free Software. We're looking forward to seeing you there!

    Berlin Fellowship meeting

    14 January 2010

    The Berlin Fellowship group will meet at the NewthinkingStore on 14 January 2010 at 7.30 pm in Tucholskystraße 48. Alina Mierlus will talk about the upcoming Document Freedom Day and how Fellows can help out. Another topic will be the "Chemitzer Linux Tage" 2010. Guests are always welcome.