"DMA's interoperability is against fundamental rights" claims Apple. The FSFE disagrees. If you also think interoperability is key for software freedom, support us!

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Election period for the second Fellowship seat in the GA in February


During the whole of February 2010, FSFE's Fellows will be able to elect their second representative in FSFE's General Assembly. The winner of the election will help FSFE's strategic decision making body plan the future of the organisation, and will join Torsten Grote who occupies the first Fellowship seat since earlier last year. Both Fellowship representatives are full members of the General Assembly for a term of two years, and have all the rights and obligations of other members.

All candidates who registered by the January 25th deadline are listed on the 2010 election website. Fellows will receive an e-mail to their [login]@fsfe.org e-mail alias. There the voting URL and all other necessary information is included. If you have questions, please contact the Fellowship team.