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Software Freedom Day 2010

SFD balloon

Software Freedom Day is a worldwide celebration of Free Software.The FSFE is official supporter to this event that provides a unique opportunity to share with the world the advantages of Free Software in business, education, the public sector, at home - in short, everywhere. There are lots of ways to participate to SFD 2010, this page lists the activities chosen by the Fellows of the FSFE, and the reports made by some of them on the blogosphere...

SFD 2010 went very well

This year again, Software Freedom Day’s action of FSFE have been very successful. Mostly all around Germany but also in the Hague and Zurich, Fellows have very well taken the opportunity to celebrate this particular day.

As foreseen, the Berlin Group participated to an event organized by LinuxWorks! in the E-LOK. After a convivial time spent at discussing and eating on the terrace, the talks began at 2 p.m., opened by the one of Matthias Kirschner, who explained the history and basics of Free Software and returned on the idea of the 4 liberties. His talk was followed by several presentations on Free Software projects and communities (Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian), which sparked significant discussio between the advocates of on or the other distribution, which was very enriching. Other projects like Skolelinux raised particular attention in the audience, as well as the talk of FFII on software patents. The talks werevery well attended - 60 people were present at the event - and we are confident that they will be even more popular next year !

In Köln, more than 30 people assisted to the numerous talks foreseen. From the history of the net working of computers to the practical problems of one single project, or an introduction to the virtualization and presentation of VirtualBox, the day was very varied and interesting. The general ambience of the day was very convivial and obviously much better appreciated than the year before, a very promising outcome…

In Offenburg, the information day was even better than expected with a jolly good weather and the for SFD in Offenburg now traditional Information booth. The Fellows distributed Live CDs of Open SuSE and Ubuntu, but also FSFE Flyers and general information on Free Software. They are very satisfied also of their day.

In Bonn, the day passed between talks, baloons and al lot of children, under a very blue sky, as the photos prove it.

Outside of Germany, Karsten Gerloff, pesident of FSFE gave a talk in the Royal Library in The Hague. There he spoke about “power, software and freedom”, evoking the link between controlling your software, having thereby power and freedom to chose for your future. The talk was well received.

In Zurich, the Fellowship Group went to FROSCamp, which they commented as having been “a very nice 2-day event with many talks and a lot of projects having information booths”.

To put it in a nutshell, we are looking forward to celebrate Software Freedom Day again in 363 days from now !

Circumstancial list of FSFE's events for SFD 2010




To celebrate Software Freedom Day, Karsten Gerloff will give a talk at a celebration in the Royal Library of The Hague, Netherlands.