New web design launched!
After months of work by FSFE's Web Team a new website design has been launched, bringing with it a fresh look, improved infrastructure, and new features.
The process began more than a year ago, and several meetings, including a Web Sprint in Berlin last October, were necessary to produce the current version.
New design
The new design aims to be attractive as well as easier to navigate and read. It is solidly based on FSFE's existing graphical profile - colour schemes, fonts, and layout have been carefully chosen to extend and build upon FSFE's logo, existing website design, and corporate branding. Every thematic element is based on styles which already exist within FSFE's media.
New features

New Donate page
- iCal feed of FSFE events and activities
- Option to subscribe to FSFE newsletters in multiple languages
- Tagging of news and events, allowing dynamic generation of information feeds for specific topics (useful for country pages, and topic home-pages such as 'EU News'); documentation added
- Improved country teams contact page, including more information and links to team member profiles
- Improved people page, including avatars of team members
- New meta-data storage and display system for published articles which consistently presents important article information
Coming Soon
Additional features soon to be added:

Example of a new Country page
- Home-pages for national FSFE teams, such as the German and British teams, will be launched in the coming days, and shall include country specific news and events feeds with iCal support, team member information, and plugin support.
- Improved Donate page with more payment options, and new payment gateway
- Automated monthly donation options
- Fully integrated fellowship and planet websites, including design, structure, and sub-menu integration
- Improved support for mobile devices and low resolution screens
- Improved Our Work / Projects page
Make your mark with the Web Team
FSFE's Web Team needs help! We need new ideas and suggestions as well as developers, designers, and translators to improve even further.
- Sign up to the Web Team's mailing-list to read discussion about current and future changes, and submit your own queries and comments
- Submit bugs with the website to the Web issue tracker (you can create a new account, and remember that your usename will end with -guest)
- Ask questions in real time in the Web Team's IRC channel: #fsfe-web on freenode