FOSDEM 2023: check our talks!
Whether you missed FOSDEM or didn't have time to attend all of our sessions, don't worry! Have a look at all our sessions from the last edition and learn, deepen your knowledge, and improve your Free Software skills.
It was great to see many of you in Brussels at FOSDEM! At this edition, which took place on the first weekend of February, we had the chance to meet in person, exchange opinions and have fruitful discussions with the Free Software community. We also had the chance to give several talks, the recordings of which are already available for everyone to watch.
Legal & Policy DevRoom
As in previous editions, FSFE co-hosted the Legal & Policy Devroom, where various issues related to the topic were discussed.
We encourage you to check the talk of our volunteer and supporter, Luca Bonissi, about the Windows and Office "tax" refund.
Among the rest of the interesting talks was one from Marcela Kolaja, member of the European Parliament, that explained the EU pilot project “De-monopolized access to EU applications”.
TEDective is a Free Software solution that is currently in development. It makes European public procurement data explorable for non-experts. TEDective won the transparency challenge of the EU Datathon 2022. It improves access to the data published by Tenders Electronics Daily (TED), allowing companies, organisations, journalists, etc. to explore and understand how public money is spent across Europe.
To shape the future of TEDective we are also looking for people who want to be involved in this Free Software tool, who can provide extra funding, and who once the application is ready will be beta-testers. Are you one of them? Then let us know at
Public Money? Public Code!
We are sure that, by this time, you have already heard about our campaign ‘Public Money? Public Code!’. At FOSDEM we presented a policy briefing on the state of Free Software in the European Union and how to effectively promote Free Software across Europe.
If you are interested in this topic and you haven’t done it yet, we suggest that you sign our Open Letter and follow the latest updates about this campaign.
Copyright and licensing is difficult, especially when reusing software from different files that are released under different licenses. REUSE was started by the Free Software Foundation Europe to provide a set of recommendations to make licensing your Free Software easier. At FOSDEM we focused on explaining how it works at the Software Bill of Materials devroom.
Become a supporter

All weekend long our booth was full of visitors asking us questions about our work, taking stickers, and buying shirts. If you like our work you can take your contribution one step further: become a supporter. The FSFE would be nothing without our supporters. And it would be so much more with you! Each financial donation multiplies our strength in public awareness, policy advocacy, legal, and technical expertise. Support software freedom, support the FSFE.