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SFP#11: REUSE Booster and our update on REUSE with Max Mehl


Max Mehl and Bonnie Mehring talk about the REUSE initiative and the newly launched REUSE Booster programme. This 11th episode of the Software Freedom Podcast is the perfect match for you if you are interested in Free Software licensing and curious about how REUSE and its tools make that easier for developers and users.

For this episode we have invited Max Mehl. This is the first time since the launch of the Software Freedom Podcast that a FSFE staff member joins the podcast. Max Mehl, an FSFE programme manager, has been with the FSFE since 2011 and has worked on numerous campaigns. These include the "I Love Free Software Day", "Free Your Android", "Router Freedom", and the "Public Money? Public Code!" campaign, just to name a few. Nowadays, Max Mehl is also the person responsible for the REUSE initiative and one of the REUSE tool's maintainers.

REUSE is a standard for modern licensing of Free Software projects. It is widely adopted and has been implemented by large Free Software communities like KDE. In this episode Bonnie Mehring and Max Mehl talk about REUSE itself and its tools, the development of the REUSE community and the newly launched REUSE Booster programme, which is the perfect opportunity for an easy entrance to adopting the REUSE standard for your software project. With this episode Bonnie Mehring and Max Mehl provide a nice and easy entrance to the very complex world of software licensing.

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