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SFP#15: All about Upcycling Android


In November 2021 the FSFE has launched the new campaign "Upcycling Android". If you haven't already upcycled your phone or you are curious to learn more about the campaign listen to our new Software Freedom Podcast episode with the campaigns manager Erik Albers.

Erik Albers has been employed at the FSFE for 10 years now. Since Erik found a connection between Free Software and sustainability, he hasn't stopped working on getting the word out about software sustainability through software freedom. But how is this connected to upcycling Android and installing a Free Software Operating System on your phone? Well, there is only one way to find out: By listening to our new Software Freedom Podcast episode. You will learn all about the importance of upcycling your own phone as well as gain a deeper insight into the "Upcycling Android" campaign.

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