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SFP#21: Exploring Software Freedom in European Politics with Lina Ceballos


Listen to our new Software Freedom Podcast episode with Lina Ceballos. Lina and Bonnie talk about everything related to Free Software in European Politics. Learn more about Lina's work at the Free Software Foundation Europe and how political decisions come to pass in the EU. Discover how best to advocate for Free Software, and especially, what the Interoperable Europe Act is all about and why the Free Software communities need to be on the lookout for the protection of software freedom.

Lina is part of the team working for software freedom at the Free Software Foundation Europe. In her work, she advocates for software freedom at a European level, ensuring that Free Software is considered and protected in new laws. Listen to our 21st episode in which Bonnie Mehring and Lina Ceballos chat about Lina's work for the FSFE. Find out what the Interoperable Europe Act is trying to achieve, how and why Free Software should be considered the first option within it. Learn about the intended Interoperable Europe Board and how you can best help advocate for Free Software.

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