Our new hooded zippies are there - well almost, but your can pre-order them for self-pickup at 38c3 or FOSDEM '25. The pre-order will end 2024-11-11. Pre-order your zippy now!

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Announce your FSFE community event

Use the form below to announce every event that is related to a FSFE activity. If it's a meeting or a talk, if it's a booth in the streets or a radio podcast: Let the community and the world know what's happening.

Your personal information will never be shared nor sold. It is used only to get in contact with you if there are any callbacks or problems.

Please indicate the language of the text you will insert in the title and description. If you register your event in another language than English, please consider uploading an English version first to make sure everyone understands it -- including us. Also be aware that a non-English event is only visible on the non-English page of fsfe.org. So for example an Italian event would just be visible on fsfe.org/index.it.html.

Please note input times are in UTC.

For talks: "Full talk title" talk, e.g. "Device Neutrality: Leveraging the Benefits of Free Software in Hardware" talk

For Group meetings: FSFE "name" local group/country team meeting, e.g. FSFE Zurich local group meeting

Paragraph 1: Give context.

For talks: Catchy intro to the topic, e.g. "Developing, using, and re-using Free Software is fun, but dealing with licensing and copyright information is not. REUSE changes that. With three simple steps, it makes adding and reading licensing and copyright information easy for both humans and machines".

For Group meetings: Introduce the group, what do you usually do in your meetings, e.g. "FSFE Women is a group for women who are interested in Free Software. We get together about once a month online to meet, give talks about topics we find interesting in the area of Free Software and discuss recent developments".

Paragraph 2: Give practical info.

For talks: Presenter name, job title, talk content. Conference, time, address, language, cost, (lack of) registration requirements. E.g. "Erik Albers, Program manager for Digital Sustainability, will give a keynote on the topic "Free software saves lives - of hardware" at the University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. The lecture takes place as part of the IT Day, at 14:00, in German. The event is free of charge, no registration is needed".

For Group meetings: Agenda, time, address, language, is it open to everyone. E.g. "In the next meeting the group will discuss the Public Communication initiative. We meet at Bitwäscherei, Neue Hard 12, second floor, from 18:00 to 21:00. The meeting is in German. You are welcome to join!"


  • Hit 'Enter' twice to create a paragraph
  • For online events add the time in CET
  • City-country/'online' and date are already added automatically.

Please indicate the group the event is intended for here. If the event is not for a group, then please select none. If the local group is not represented here, please contact us at contact@fsfe.org. This information is used to automatically add it to the nextcloud calendars for each group, links to which can be found on the groups page.


* = required fields

Thank you for registering your event!

After you have filled out the form and confirmed your entry with the "add event" button, an xml-file will be generated and sent to us. If approved, your event entry will be uploaded and should appear on fsfe.org and/or on fsfe.org/events during the next 48 hours. Be aware that we only promote FSFE and FSFE-community related activities but not any other kind of miscellaneous Free Software activities (yes, without exceptions - how important they ever may be).

Keep in mind that all of the FSFE's events are covered by our Code of Conduct that kindly asks all participants to be excellent to each other. Please do not announce your event as an FSFE event if you do not plan to implement our Code of Conduct.