Announce your FSFE community event
Use the form below to announce every event that is related to a FSFE activity. If it's a meeting or a talk, if it's a booth in the streets or a radio podcast: Let the community and the world know what's happening.
- Indicate the date and time in UTC
- Do an English version of your event first
- Then submit the language the event is in (e.g. German for German events)
- Choose the language the submitted text is in. !Not the language the event will be held in!
- Provide a link for the event, so people can find out more
- Provide a date, time and address in the event text.
Thank you for registering your event!
After you have filled out the form and confirmed your entry with the "add event" button, an xml-file will be generated and sent to us. If approved, your event entry will be uploaded and should appear on and/or on during the next 48 hours. Be aware that we only promote FSFE and FSFE-community related activities but not any other kind of miscellaneous Free Software activities (yes, without exceptions - how important they ever may be).
Keep in mind that all of the FSFE's events are covered by our Code of Conduct that kindly asks all participants to be excellent to each other. Please do not announce your event as an FSFE event if you do not plan to implement our Code of Conduct.