Our new hooded zippies are there - well almost, but your can pre-order them for self-pickup at 38c3 or FOSDEM '25. The pre-order will end 2024-11-11. Pre-order your zippy now!


Fellowship vote for GA seats – Call for nominations


The election for the first Fellowship seat in FSFE's General Assembly will finish on 1 June in time for the next general assembly, which is scheduled for 19-21 June in Miraflores de la Sierra, Spain.

Now is the time to prepare for elections, which will provide the Fellowship with a direct representation in FSFE's strategic decision making body.

As you might have read there are two seats. The elections this year are for the first seat, while the second seat will come up next year. Those elected will serve a two year term and there will thus be one election per year from now on.

The Fellowship representative will be serving as an full member of the General Assembly with all rights and obligations of other members. To get an idea of the people the new elected representative will be working with, you can take a look at the members page.

Who can vote?
All registered Fellows can vote.
Who can be elected?
To be a candidate, you need to have been an active Fellow for at least a year before the election to make sure that the people elected into the GA are familiar with the organisation and its work.
Election Platform
All candidates should use the wiki and/or blog as a promotion platform, so that it will be possible for their Fellow voters to know them. (Fellows can also choose to make the wiki page only visible for other Fellows).
Voting System
For the voting process we will use the Schulze method, a popular voting system used by Debian, Wikimedia and others. It's a well tested method and has proven to be resistant to voting anomalies.

To become a candidate, please send an e-mail, no later than 31 March, to contact@fsfe.org with the subject line "Candidate Fellowship seat". In the email you should state that you want to run for election to the GA along with information about yourself, which we can use to compile the list of candidates for all Fellows.

You can only register yourself as a candidate. If you know other Fellows that you consider would be good candidates, please motivate them to register.

If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact Fellowship Coordinator Matthias Kirschner via contact@fsfe.org.

For reference please see: