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FSFE submits comments on Reda copyright report


On June 16th, the European Parliament's Legal Affairs committee will vote on a report with a number of groundbreaking recommendations for copyright reform.

The report was written by MEP Julia Reda (Pirate Party) and consists of a number of very sensible proposals to adapt copyright law to today's challenges. However, the report has also drawn a considerable amount of opposition from stakeholders who benefit from the current, overly strict rules.

The Legal Affairs committee will decide on the final shape of the report before the vote in plenary session in July. FSFE has provided input to MEPs on a number of points that we consider crucial to copyright reform.

FSFE's input to the members of the Legal Affairs committee focuses on the following points:

Please help us to get these important recommendations adopted. Call your MEP or the members of the Legal Affairs committee. It is the best way to tell them about these important issues. Do not hesitate to read our complete comment to be aware of our argumentation.

For further information please visit copywrongs.eu or Julia Reda's website. You can also directly read the draft report.