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FSFE summit 2016 - Call for Participation


In 2016, the FSFE is celebrating 15 years of existence. What started as a small group of volunteers has grown into a European wide movement with actively supporting members in more than 20 countries. We dedicate this birthday to our community, to those who made us grow strong in the past 15 years - with the first ever FSFE summit on September 2 – 4, taking place in the Berlin Congress Center, Germany. If you like to be part of it, save the date and take part in the call for participation.

The FSFE summit will be part of the QtCon16. Among other benefits, this will offer a unique forum for talks and knowledge sharing in an event that gathers the communities and combines the summits from the FSFE, the KDE Akademy, Qt Contributors' Summit, KDAB and VideoLAN Dev Days. All participants of any sub-conference will be allowed to listen to any other talk or workshop from the other sub-conferences. That is why there also is a joint call for papers for the overall conference.

Our idea for the first FSFE summit is to run an event that is organised for the community and by the community. That is also why our own call for participation is kept vague in some part to enable openness towards your input. However, besides interesting talks, workshops and presentations, expect to meet Free Software enthusiasts from all over Europe as well as the members of FSFE association. Expect to exchange insights and outsides, to build new friendships and teams or to align with your already existing (virtual) teams. Above all, the summit is there for you to use, study, share and improve your skills and knowledge about Free Software and beyond - together.

Admission for the summit will be free of charge and the deadline for the call is May 17, 2016.