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FSFE provides Git hosting for its supporters

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Sharing one's knowledge is a core principle in the Free Software society, collaboration is another. From today, the FSFE provides its supporters and registered volunteers a platform to create and manage Git repositories with a comfortable user interface: git.fsfe.org.

Git is not only a tool to store files but the most popular version control system, similar to SVN. While Git is a command line server and client, there are several graphical implementations. The FSFE is using Gitea as a web interface.


With git.fsfe.org, the FSFE allows its supporters to share and collaborate on a platform while fully respecting their freedoms. Using the graphical web interface, people can open issue reports for bugs or feature requests. This way, users are able to:

The FSFE also strives to migrate as much code and relevant files as possible to this new platform, for example future website developments, promotion material, and helpful scripts for the organisation's day-to-day work.

About Gitea

Gitea is a performant and user-friendly Git service that is published under a Free Software license. Unlike other services there is no proprietary enterprise version ("open-core"), but has a strong focus on community development, and already contains almost all features people know from other Git services without any non-free dependencies. There are already efforts taking place to interconnect Gitea installations to enable federation of Git repositories.

We would like to welcome you to log in with your FSFE Fellowship credentials, test and use the service, and leave some feedback. You can also push this new service by improving and adding usage guides for Git beginners on our dedicated wiki pages – help us helping! Also, consider contributing to the Gitea project.