Our new hooded zippies are there - well almost, but your can pre-order them for self-pickup at 38c3 or FOSDEM '25. The pre-order will end 2024-11-11. Pre-order your zippy now!

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FSFE Newsletter - December 2011

Your own web search - version 1.0

Who controls what you find on the internet? Search engines are a vital connection between you and information. In the eyes of the FSFE, it is important that users can be independent. That is why we spread awareness about the 1.0 release of YaCy, a peer-to-peer search engine. Read about YaCy at our press release, Karsten Gerloff's blog entry or choose one of the many news sites who wrote about it, including Wall Street Journal, BBC News, The Telegraph or TAZ.

Dutch government hands over education's keys to Microsoft

The Dutch government wants to tie the country's schools to a single software vendor for years to come. Dutch students using Free Software or devices without support for Silverlight will find themselves locked out of schools' online systems due to the use of proprietary technology and closed standards. Marja Bijsterveldt, the secretary of education, recently said that she is unwilling to enforce the Dutch government's own Open Standards policy on educational institutions. Instead, the government will accept long-term vendor lock-in of educational institutions.

With our campaign, FSFE's volunteers in the Netherlands want to enable all citizens to have free access to education and all other publicly-funded institutions, both online and offline, by pushing for a mandatory use of Open Standards and a guaranteed platform-independent access to all online environments. This would allow students and their parents to use Free Software, and in that way enable them to tap into their potential for growth and personal development.

Only the firealarm could end it

It's been a good weekend for Free Software advocacy: by the end of FSCONS, the FSFE led a dedicated Free Software in Politics track, Richard Stallman gave a keynote, there were many other Free Software talks (e.g. read our webmaster's blog entry), the FSFE staffed a booth both at FSCONS and at the Open Rhein Ruhr (Germany), Erik Josefsson received the Nordic Free Software Award, and we had a FSFE workshop one day before the conference. In the end it was only possible to terminate FSCONS's social event with a fire alarm. (Your editor still thinks this fire alarm is part of a bigger conspiracy.)

At the workshop before FSCONS, Sam Tuke organised the second PDFreaders sprint after the one in the UK. The 11 participants checked several websites from our buglist, and translated the form letter and the petition into Swedish. Special thanks to Daniel Melin, Henri Nordstrom, and Josef Andersson for this!

Our current success rate: 511 out of 2081 (24%) reported public websites have removed the non-free software advertisement. 1938 individuals, 58 organisations and 56 businesses have signed the petition.

Something completely different

Get active: Ensure it is Secure Boot, not Restricted Boot!

Microsoft has announced that if computer makers distribute machines with the Windows 8 compatibility logo, they will have to implement a measure called "Secure Boot." This measure is meant to increase security on your computer, but we are very concerned that hardware manufacturers will implement these boot restrictions in a way that will prevent you from booting any other operating system than Microsoft Windows. That is why we ask you for help:

Currently 20,562 people have signed the statement, making it clear they want to have the choice. We need more signatures to send a clear signal to hardware vendors that they have to enable us to install Free Software on our computers.

Thanks to all the Fellows and donors who enable our work,
Matthias Kirschner - FSFE

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