Our new hooded zippies are there - well almost, but your can pre-order them for self-pickup at 38c3 or FOSDEM '25. The pre-order will end 2024-11-11. Pre-order your zippy now!

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FSFE Newsletter - December 2017 / January 2018

Napsal  on  

2017: A year full of Free Software

The Free Software Foundation Europe looks back on a very exciting year. While on one hand we managed to take our regular campaigns like I love Free Software and Ask Your Candidates to a new level with extraordinary activities, we also started three new major activities this year that will keep running in 2018 and beyond. These are Public Money Public Code, Save Code Share and the Reuse Initiative.

In the legal field we held the 10th Legal and Licensing Workshop and updated the Fiduciary Licence Agreement to version 2.0. In the technical field, we set up new tools for our community and (co-)developed new tools for our campaigns. All of them are Free Software, of course.

2017 was also a very good year for our outreach. Our community attended 75 events in 11 countries with talks, workshops and booths. In our Berlin office we have welcomed six interns from six different European countries, and our message keeps spreading with new merchandise items and promotional material.

As a result of our joint efforts, we have seen growth in many sectors: in funds, in media attention, and in our community, with the latter being the most important point. The Free Software Foundation Europe could not pursue its mission without the people that make up our community and spread our message. This is a big thank you to all of you: the countless volunteers, supporters and donors who were part of or who made the work of FSFE possible in 2017. Your contributions are priceless and we are doing our best to keep the good work going in 2018!

If you are interested in more details about our activities in 2017, read our yearly report. If you like what we are doing, join the FSFE as a supporter and help us to continue our work for Free Software!

Participants at the FSFE community meeting 2017.

Participants at the FSFE community meeting 2017.

Help us grow and make a difference in 2018

What else have we done? Inside and Outside the FSFE

Do not miss it! Upcoming events with the FSFE

As in recent years, the FSFE will be present with an FSFE assembly at the Chaos Communication Congress, one of the biggest technology related events in Europe. The assembly will be equipped with current merchandise and promotional material, run a Free Software track, invite people to play a Free Software game or to join us in several Free Software song sing-along sessions. After all, the assembly shall be a place for our community to get together and connect with each other. If you are attending Chaos Communication Congress too, use this opportunity to meet and get to know the people behind FSFE, including volunteers and staffers.

As usual, find all the other future events with or by the FSFE listed on our events page.

Get Active

Use the vacation time to read our yearly report and share it among your friends. Let people know about the importance of Free Software and why they should care about it. Tell them that people around the world form communities with the aim to bring technological freedom, transparency, knowledge and emancipation to everyone. Spread the word about the four freedoms and if possible, help others to exercise their freedoms too.
Join our cause.

Contribute to our newsletter

If you would like to share any thoughts, pictures, or news, send them to us. As always, the address is newsletter@fsfe.org. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

Thanks to our community, all the volunteers, supporters and donors who make our work possible. And thanks to our translators, who enable you to read this newsletter in your mother tongue.

Your editor,
Erik Albers

Help us grow and make a difference in 2018