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FSFE Newsletter September 2019


In this month's newsletter, we focus our attention on the impact of Free Software on competition, in a piece written by our guest expert, Prof. Dr. Simon Schlauri. We also take the chance to announce the awesome progress we have made in the REUSE project towards making copyright and licensing easier for developers. Further down, you can discover upcoming events and information about the FSFE Annual Community meeting, as well as see some photos and video recordings from events where our community promoted Free Software across Europe. We also make some recommendations for articles you may find useful.

Free Software and its impact on competition

Our guest writer Prof. Dr. Simon Schlauri shared his expert knowledge on what the impact of Free Software on competition is. Elaborating on the legal and economic arguments on whether the release of software under a Free Software license distorts the market, this article was originally written for our "Public Money? Public Code" brochure. If you missed it, please take a look and learn more about the impact that Free Software has on competition.

As you most likely already know, the FSFE is running a project called REUSE. Its main goal is to help developers display copyright and licensing information of their projects according to the recommended best practices. Just recently, the project released version 3.0 of their specification. The new edition is accompanied by a helper tool that makes adopting these best practices easier than ever. If you are curious for more details on the topic, we welcome you to visit the dedicated article.

Join our community: https://fsfe.org/join/nl2019-09

Do not miss: upcoming events with the FSFE

As with every month, we are trying to spread the word and help individuals and organisations understand what Free Software is and how Free Software contributes to freedom, transparency, and self-determination. If you are interested in seeing us in action and to join our cause, keep in mind the following dates and locations in the coming months:

What have we done? Inside and Outside the FSFE

Since the last newsletter, we have been very active in promoting the Free Software cause, by helping individuals and organisations have a better understanding of what Free Software is and encouraging them to develop and implement it in their lives. We want to share with you the events we have photos and videos for, below:

The FSFE stand at FrOSCon in Bonn
The FSFE stand at FrOSCon in Bonn

In the months since the last newsletter and during the summer break, many things have happened. Some of them have been shared on the FSFE's Planet and are directly related to the organisation while others are more into the general direction of our mission:

Get Active

The Internet Freedom Fund is Open Tech Fund's primary way to support projects and people working on open and accessible technology-centric projects. These are supposed to promote human rights, internet freedom, and open societies, and help advance inclusive and safe access to global communications networks for at-risk users including journalists, human rights defenders, civil society activists, and every-day people living within repressive environments who wish to speak freely online. You can apply for this fund until 01.11.2019.

Contribute to our newsletter

If you would like to share any thoughts, pictures, or news, send them to us. As always, the address is newsletter@fsfe.org. We're looking forward to hearing from you!

If you also want to support us and our work, join our community and support us with a donation or a monthly contribution: https://my.fsfe.org/support

Thanks to our community, all the volunteers, supporters and donors who make our work possible. And thanks to our translators, who enable you to read this newsletter in your native languages.

Best Regards,


Join our community: https://fsfe.org/join/nl2019-09