"L’interopérabilité du DMA viole les droits fondamentaux", Apple conteste. La FSFE n'est pas d'accord. Si vous pensez également que l'interopérabilité est essentielle à la liberté des logiciels, soutenez-nous !

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À propos

Nos organisations associées

La Free Software Foundation Europe veut donner les moyens à tout le monde de contrôler la technologie. C'est un but que nulle organisation ne peut atteindre seule. De nombreux groupes travaillent à ce but avec beaucoup de succès. Certains aident différentes personnes et organisations à comprendre comment le Logiciel Libre contribue à la liberté, la transparence et l'autodétermination. D'autres élargissent les droits des utilisateurs en abolissant les barrières à l'appropriation du Logiciel Libre, ou bien encore, certains se concentrent à encourager l'utilisation et le développement du Logiciel Libre.

Peu importe le but ou le statut juridique de votre groupe, nous croyons qu'il est important d'unir nos forces et de travailler ensemble pour atteindre nos objectifs communs. Avec nos organisations associées, nous voulons montrer que nous sommes un mouvement fort. Nous échangeons des idées, coordonnons nos efforts, nous motivons et cherchons des occasions pour travailler ensemble à des projets précis.

Si vous avez décidé dans votre groupe de devenir une organisation associée, contactez-nous.

Si vous êtes une entreprise et que vous souhaitez montrer votre soutien à nos objectifs, nous vous recommandons de devenir donateur de la FSFE ou bien de l'une de nos organisations associées listées ci-dessous.

Associação Nacional para o Software Livre (National Association for Free Software)

ANSOL is the "National Association for Free Software". It is a Portuguese non-profit association dedicated to the promotion, development, research and study of Computing Freedom and its social, political philosophical, cultural, technical and scientific implications.

Ελληνική Ένωση Φίλων Ελεύθερου Λογισμικού (Free Software Friends Greek Association)

The "Free Software Friends Greek Association" (also called "Greek Linux User Group" and "GNU Greece", the latter being a name given by Richard M. Stallman in June 2010) is a greek NGO/Society, whose purpose is to promote GNU/Linux and Free Software in Greece through various activities, such as seminars, introduction speeches at schools, daily operation of GNU/Linux Labs around Greece, and the struggle for Free Software in the Greek public sector.

Barcelona Free Software Group

Barcelona Free Software is an organization which aims to unite the local Free Software community and spread Free Software values in Barcelona. They started in 2014 and since have met several times to discuss and celebrate different aspects of Free Culture ranging from Wikipedia and OSM to Clang. Their goal is to: Make sure the community is aware of local developments and teams; make sure there is someone to back Free Software locally by either becoming the contact or reaching to the right interlocutor if it is out of our scope; spread Free Software in Barcelona.

Fundația Ceata

Fundația Ceata est une fondation roumaine dévouée aux logiciels libres et à la culture libre, alignée avec la philosophie de logiciels libres du GNU projet. La fondation est inscrite à Bucarest et dispose d'équipes locales dans la région Cluj et dans la République de Moldavie. Ceata (Roumain pour «le gang») a commencé comme un groupe informel en juin 2008 et est devenue fondation en février 2013. Depuis le début, elle est très impliquée dans l'activisme pour des logiciels libres, l'organisation des événements dédiés à la liberté digitale et le développement des logiciels libres et des œuvres culturelles libres.


Dyne.org is a non-profit think/do tank with more than 10 years of expertise in developing Free Software tools and narratives for community empowerment.

Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure

The FFII is a not-for-profit association registered in twenty European countries, dedicated to the development of information goods for the public benefit, based on copyright, free competition and open standards. More than 850 members, 3,500 companies and 100,000 supporters have entrusted the FFII to act as their voice in public policy questions concerning exclusion rights (intellectual property) in data processing.

Föreningen fri kultur och programvara (Society for Free Culture and Software)

The Society for Free Culture and Software is a Swedish non-profit organisation working for a society built around a free exchange of knowledge, ideas and culture. The society works inter-disciplinary and gathers knowledge at the conference FSCONS from several different groups, including Creative Commons, Free Software Foundation Europe, Wikimedia, FriBit and EFN.

Free Software Initiative of Japan

Une association Japonaise à but non lucratif pour faire avancer le Logiciel Libre.


GFOSS – Open Technologies Alliance is a non-profit organization founded in 2008. 35 Universities and Research Centers are shareholders of GFOSS. GFOSS' main goal is to promote Openness through the use and the development of Open Standards and Open Technologies in Education, Public Administration and Business in Greece.

Irish Free Software Organisation

The goals of Irish Free Software Organisation (IFSO) are to prevent changes in legislation which would harm Free Software users and developers, and to promote awareness of Free Software among Irish computer users.

KDE e.V.

KDE e.V. is the non-profit organization supporting the KDE community in creating free software. In addition to legal, financial, and organizational support KDE e.V. also provides representation and governance to the community. KDE is creating software with graphical user interfaces for end users. It is most well known for its desktop on GNU/Linux.

Open Labs

Open Labs' mission is to promote openness, freedom, transparency and decentralization by amplifying our voice as a community altogether.

Open Source Design

Open Source Design's goal is to bring more designers into open source and free software, and to connect designers with free and open source projects.

OSB Alliance - Federal Association for Digital Sovereignty e.V.

The OSB Alliance - Federal Association for Digital Sovereignty e.V. is committed to embedding into the public consciousness the important central role of Open Source Software (also called Free Software) and Open Standards in a digitally sovereign society. The association has been working since 2011 on establishing Free Software as the standard in public procurement, research, and business development, so that digital advancements benefit companies, governments, authorities and society alike.

In order to achieve these goals, membership in the OSB Alliance is open to companies, private individuals, the media, as well as political experts and contacts. The association works together with scientific institutions and user organisations and communities, and currently represents around 170 member companies, which together generate more than 1.7 billion euros annually in Germany.


OW2's mission is to promote a code base of Free Software for corporate information systems and their ecosystems. They are proud of their European DNA, they are EU-driven (i.e. motivated by EU interests) rather than EU-focused (i.e. attracted by EU market opportunities).

The Document Foundation

The Document Foundation is a charitable foundation that works to eliminate the digital divide in society by giving everyone access to free (as in freedom) office productivity tools free of charge, thus enabling them to participate as full citizens in the 21st century. They support the preservation of mother tongues by encouraging everybody to translate, document, support, and promote our office productivity tools into their mother tongue; and enable users to retain rights in the documents they create, by supporting open document formats and open standards.


Teckids e.V. is a non-profit youth association for Free Software in education with a focus on collaboration with children and young people. Within this framework, we oversee three projects: Hack'n'Fun, LEOPARD and schul-frei.

Fundación Vía Libre (The Free Way Foundation)

Fundación Vía Libre – Argentinian Foundation for Free Software.


Vrijschrift creates awareness about the economic and social meaning of free knowledge and culture for our society. Vrijschrift fulfills both a protecting and promoting role. Internationally they work together with the Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure, the Free Software Foundation Europe, Project Gutenberg and a lot of other organisations.

Wilhelm Tux

Wilhelm Tux -- Campaign for Free Software. Swiss non-profit for Free Software.

Wikimedia Italia

Wikimedia Italia is an association to further free culture in Italy, with a specific focus on Wikimedia projects (such as Wikipedia and its sister projects) and OpenStreetMap. Free licenses and Free Software are the foundation on which they build.