Karsten Gerloff
- Mobile: +49 176 9690 4298
- gerloff@fsfe.org (public key)
About Karsten Gerloff
Karsten Gerloff is a Free Software activist, focusing on tech policy and digital rights. He served as FSFE's president from 2009 to 2015.
- All watched over by machines of loving grace?" - Talk summary by Michael Kerrisk for LWN.net. November 14, 2012.
- Free Software in the public sector: Getting it right & getting value (OKFestival, Helsinki, Finland. Sept. 18, 2012
- more to come
- Software patents: The battle for Free Software's soul (Vigo, Spain, Sept. 9, 2011)
- How software patents are delaying the future (Panel organised by European Patent Office, World Computer Congress, Amsterdam, Sept. 25, 2012
Selected Publications
- Neu und doch nur Mittelmaß: Die "Open Source"-Strategie der EU-Kommission. irights.info, May 4, 2015.
- Input to the European Commission: Considerations on Updating the European Commission's Open Source Strategy. [pdf]
- Public Procurement: Free Software's Wild Frontier. In: Shane Coughlan (ed.): Thoughts on Open Innovation. Essays on Open Innovation from leading thinkers in the field. OpenForumAcademy, 2013. Available for download (PDF, 320 kB).
- Software, Power, Control. In: Kaitlyn Braybrooke, Jussi Nissilä (eds.): The Open Book. The Finnish Institute in London, 2013. Available for download (PDF, 5.7 MB). Greek translation.
- UK takes huge step forward on Open Standards (November 1, 2012)
- The European Commission's locked-in syndrome (June 2011).
- Interview with Groklaw on EU vs Microsoft antitrust case (the "Samba case"), May 31 2011
- Assessing the new European Interoperability Framework (December 17, 2010)
Free your IT-Business in Africa!
ict@innovation Training Handbook on Advanced African FOSS Business
(June 2010)
ict@innovation (ed.) Overall editor and curriculum developer - Document Freedom Day: Passion and politics (March 2010)
EIFv2 - Tracking the loss of interoperability
Karsten Gerloff, Hugo Roy (2010) -
Free/Libre/Open Source Software: International Co-operation development Roadmap. D3.4 Preliminary Requirements Reportand D1.2 List of Problem Areas
Gerloff, Ghosh et al (2009) -
Study on the effect on the development of the information society of
European public bodies making their own software available as open
source. Final report. (January 2008)
Rishab A. Ghosh, Rüdiger Glott, Karsten Gerloff, Patrice Emmanuel Schmitz, Kamini Aisola, Abdelkrim Boujraf - Inside Views: The Development Agenda Of Free Software (Ghosh/Gerloff, February 2007)
- Access to Knowledge in a Network Society. A Cultural Sciences Perspective on the Discussion on a Development Agenda for the World Intellectual Property Organisation. Gerloff (2006). Masters' thesis. (LaTeX source)
Case studies
- The best software for the purpose: softwarebørsen.dk. (May 2008)
- Migration XXL: The large-scale GNU/Linux roll-out of Lower Saxony's tax authority (July 2007)
- A sharing attitude: Programverket in Sweden (December 2007)
- Networks effects: Plone for Belgium and beyond (February 2008)
- Rock solid: School servers in Powys county, Wales, UK ( October 2008)
- Building a market for FLOSS: The OSOSS project in the Netherlands(October 2007)
- A hub for Open Source: the COKS centre in Slovenia (July 2008)
- Building networks: The Mancomún project in Galicia, Spain (August 2008)
- Declaration of Independence: The LiMux Project in Munich (August 2008)
- Low-cost high tech: BBC tries out Open Source-based tapeless recording (March 2008)
- Upgrade to Freedom - Schools in South Tyrol have their own GNU/Linux distribution (June 2007)
- Andalusia: FLOSS as a tool for the information society (May 2007)
- Power and Freedom (download) at the TEDx event in Eutropolis (you need bittorrent to download this file; alternatively, you can watch in on YouTube).