El Software Libre es fundamental para garantizar una competencia leal. Abogamos por una aplicación estricta y eficaz de la Ley de Mercados Digitales de una forma respetuosa con los desarrolladores. ¡Ayúdanos a conseguirlo con un donativo!

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Fani Partsafyllidou

Fani writes about the software freedom movement in Europe and supports the activities of dozens of volunteer groups in the FSFE.

An expert in Digital Humanities, Fani studied History in Thessaloniki, Greece. She has worked on European projects facilitating the use of technology in education in EuroClio - European Association of History Educators in The Hague. She is a firm believer that technology can surprise us positively in the right conditions, and software freedom is one of them.

Work Areas

Fani works on communications and community building in the FSFE. She is the FSFE's Newsletter editor, responsible for the annual report, and involved in several projects: Upcycling Android, 20 years FSFE, Youth Hacking 4 Freedom, I love Free Software Day,

Please feel free to contact Fani regarding any topics she is working on, or may be interested in.


You can contact Fani via

  • Mastodon: @fanime@mastodon.social
  • Twitter: @churchofrobots
  • Mail: fani@fsfe.org.