Freie Software ist der Schlüssel zu fairem Wettbewerb. Wir setzen uns für die strikte und effektive Durchsetzung des Digital Markets Act im Sinne der Entwickler ein. Hilf uns mit einer Spende, das zu erreichen!

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Tobias Diekershoff

Tobias studied Physics at the University of Potsdam and worked there as a tutor and technical assistant in the basic laboratory of the Physics Institute. He has been a Free Software enthusiast since the mid-90s and joined the Berlin group of the FSFE as a volunteer around 2012. In his free time, Tobias is part of the Friendica development team.

Since 2022 he works as a System-Hacker for the FSFE, specifically as webmaster and supporting the FSFE community with technical questions about the services provided by the FSFE.

You can reach him @tobiasd on various FSFE communication platforms ( email, XMPP, Matrix ).

OpenPGP Key: tobiasd(at)
Fingerprint: 23EE F484 FDF8 291C BA09 A406 25FE 376F F176 94A1

Omemo Fingerprints