Freie Software ist der Schlüssel zu fairem Wettbewerb. Wir setzen uns für die strikte und effektive Durchsetzung des Digital Markets Act im Sinne der Entwickler ein. Hilf uns mit einer Spende, das zu erreichen!

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Free Software Foundation Europe e.V. (FSFE)
Address: Schönhauser Allee 6/7, 10119 Berlin, Germany
President: Matthias Kirschner
Seat: Hamburg.
Eingetragen beim Registergericht AG Hamburg, VR 17030
UstID: DE234323337
Founding year: 2001

EU transparency register ID: 33882407107-76

Privacy policy

The web site is run by the FSFE e.V. When this policy refers to “we”, this means the FSFE.

The tl;dr version: We strictly limit the processing of your personal information, and in general try to process as little data as possible to fulfill our mission. We won't sell your data to any third party and the only third party that may gets your data are: people working for us (our tax accountant for example); recipient of open letters; EU or German authorities whenever the law compel us to give them information (for example we have to give insight on our donations to the German tax authorities).

Why do we collect data? Who can access it and how long we keep them?

In an objective of transparency, we provide at the following address the list of all our services and processing:

What are your rights?

You have the right to:

Whom to contact

If you have questions about our use of your data, would like to request a copy of all information we have stored about you, please contact