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About FSFE

Software Freedom
Testimonials from our community

The anouncement of the creation of the GNU Project was the beginning of the software freedom movement! Today it is a global and broad movement that includes small local companies, large global corporations, civil society organisations and thousands of professionals. All are working towards a world where the four freedoms are guaranteed: users are free to use software and adapt it to their needs, and are able to understand and share it. These rights support other fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and privacy.

For the 40th anniversary of this milestone, we have gather the thoughts of some members of our community

Celebrate 40 years of GNU! (Antonio Becerro. Available for use under CC BY-SA 4.0.)
Celebrate 40 years of GNU! (Antonio Becerro. Available for use under CC BY-SA 4.0.)
Free Software core values - See our video about them at media.fsfe.org.
Free Software core values - See our video about them at media.fsfe.org.