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Hamburg, April 30th, 2002


of the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSF Europe)
and supporting parties
for the
Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the rules for the participation of undertakings, research centres and universities and for the dissemination of research results for the implementation of the European Community framework programme 2002--2006

Download as PDF; 126k

[ Recommendation | Reasoning | Supporting Parties ] [ More Supporting Parties ]

More supporting parties

ObjectWeb Consortium

Redesign s.r.l.
 via Enrico Cosenz,16
 20157 Milano, Italy

The 1990 Trust
 Room 12, Winchester House
 9 Cranmer Road
 London SW9 6EJ, United Kingdom

 CP 584, place du tunnel 18
 1000 Lausanne 17, Switzerland

How to support this recommendation

If you also want to support this recommendation, please send mail to web@lists.fsfe.org declaring your support. This mail should contain the name of your company, organisation or association, the snail-mail address to be put on the list and (if applicable) your URL.