"L’interopérabilité du DMA viole les droits fondamentaux", Apple conteste. La FSFE n'est pas d'accord. Si vous pensez également que l'interopérabilité est essentielle à la liberté des logiciels, soutenez-nous !

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The Legal Network

The Legal Network Council

The Council of the Legal Network assists the FSFE with managing the Legal Network by providing the advice of expert members. It operates with a collaborative attitude and takes into account input from various sources, including interested parties, prominent members, and the FSFE. The Council is consulted on the prospective evolution of the Legal Network and operates as an advisory board for the decisions taken by the FSFE.

The Council is a body of 6 FSFE Legal Network members. Each member serves on the Council for 2 years, with 3 members swapping out every year. Outgoing Council members nominate a Legal Network member to take their place on the Council each year.

The current members of the Legal Network council are: