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FSFE celebrates World IPv6 Day


On today's World IPv6 Day, FSFE is pleased to announce that almost all of its servers are now reachable via IPv6.

"Enabling IPv6 on our servers was easier than we initially imagined," says FSFE system administrator Stefan Harmuth. "We hope that IPv6 adoption will be a lot quicker once everyone realises how easy it is."

"Given FSFE's long-term perspective, it's only logical for us to lead on IPv6 adoption, doing our bit to make sure that there will be enough addresses to go around in days to come", says Karsten Gerloff, FSFE's president.

FSFE started implementing IPv6 on its systems in February 2010. We are grateful to our sponsor OpenIT in Düsseldorf, Germany, for their continued support and their great IPv6 delivery.