Freie Software ist der Schlüssel zu fairem Wettbewerb. Wir setzen uns für die strikte und effektive Durchsetzung des Digital Markets Act im Sinne der Entwickler ein. Hilf uns mit einer Spende, das zu erreichen!

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Thank you for celebrating #ilovefs the whole day without borders


On February 14th, people around the globe were celebrating the "I love Free Software" day. To all of you, thank you very much for participating in our #ilovefs-campaign and for showing your support for Free Software on this day. We were really excited about your creativity and participiation. All these love declarations went out to the developers, users and wizards behind Free Software and their communities. While some of you dedicated their love to specific programs that you enjoy most. We are pretty sure that their developers and users have read your love declarations and that your love will motivate them to carry on their good work. Here are just a few examples and highlights of your love declarations.


"I love Free Software because we depend more and more upon software, in every moment of our lives. It is software that handles our email and social network activities when we communicate; it is software that controls our ovens and fridges when to prepare our meals; it is software that drives cars and airplanes when we travel around the world; it is software that keeps many of us alive when we need hospital equipment or bio-medical devices like pacemakers. A world without Free Software means being held hostage by proprietary software authors that run our lives. I love Free Software because it can set us free."
Dr. Stefano Zacchiroli, Debian Project Leader, Scientist and Free Software Developer

To see more quotes from other people and why they love Free Software look at our page "Why they love Free Software"

Blog entries:

Tweets and dents:

News articles

#ilovefs-event in the Unperfekthaus

This year, for the first time, we have been celebrating #ilovefs not only as an online campaign. In addition we organised an #ilovefs-event in the Unperfekthaus in Essen. For this event, we invited some speakers to give talks on the topic of Free Software and even bands to play a concert in the evening. Despite the fact that there were not as many visitors coming as we would have loved to see at our first #ilovefs event, we were successful. The organisation went fine and we received a lot of positive feedback from our visitors, the speakers and the band members.