"DMA's interoperability is against fundamental rights" claims Apple. The FSFE disagrees. If you also think interoperability is key for software freedom, support us!

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MEPs vote for more Free Software in public sector


On 19 January, the European Parliament adopted its own-initiative report "Towards a Digital Single Market" in response to the European Commission's Digital Single Market strategy. FSFE is glad to see that the Parliament took an affirmative attitude and a bolder stance towards the increased use of Free Software and its importance to digital single market.

In particular:

On not so positive side, the report stresses that the ability to license standard-essntial patents under FRAND licensing terms fosters innovation and preserves research, development and standardisation incentives despite the well-established fact that FRAND licensing practices are harmful to Free Software.

FSFE nevertheless welcomes the adoption of the report and calls on the Commission to follow the Parliament's recommendations to increase the share and reuse of Free Software when pursuing the Digital Single Market initiatives.